Sunday, January 2, 2011

Parish bulletin-


Happy New Year 2011!!!
                                    Many blessings for 2011.

Blessed Christmas from your parish priests- Fr. Smalls Jr. & Fr. Gongora! Many thanks to those who sent gifts, cards and wishes for Christmas.  
We are very grateful to the persons who donated poinsettias during Christmas in memory of their loved ones. God bless you always!
Also, thanks to those who assisted in decorating the Cathedral for Christmas!

Sunday collection:
Saturday 7pm- $                Sunday 6am- $                 8:30am- $
5:30pm- $                    7:00pm- $                    Total: $
Parish weekly expenses: $3,000.00        
Deficit: $
It is in giving that we receive…many thanks for your support!!
Mass Intentions
January 3-8, 2011
Mon. For deceased members of Price family     
                     In memory of Mr. & Mrs. D. Gonzalez

Tues. Thanksgiving to Our Lady of Guadalupe  
530 pm- For all the souls in purgatory

Wed. Special intention of thanksgiving
          Thanksgiving to holy guardian angels

Thurs. Special intention of thanksgiving  
Thanksgiving to Blessed Virgin Mary
Fri.  For all the souls in purgatory; thanksgiving to Sacred Heart of Jesus  
        In memory of Mr. & Mrs D Gonzalez

Sat. In memory of Eriberto Babb; Hasna Habet
            In memory of Oscar Ayuso Jr; Eriberto Babb
Sanctuary light burns for the intentions of: Jane Coye
     Parish bulletin sponsored by: Mrs. Jane Coye & family

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