Saturday, December 25, 2010

Parish bulletin- December 26, 2010

Parish bulletin announcements- Feast of the Sacred Family, December 26, 2010.
New Year’s Mass schedule:
December 31st-
Mass; and Mass
January 1st, 2011: ; and
10:00 am (Spanish)

Blessed Christmas from your parish priests- Fr. Smalls Jr. & Fr. Gongora!

1.) There will be NO MASS on Saturday January 1st, 2011 at . We will observe the normal Sunday Masses on January 2nd, 2011.
2.) There will be no Evening Mass on Monday December 27, 2010.
3.) A Team from New York will visit our parish in February 2011 to do some work in the school, which is in need of several repairs.
4.) Diocesan calendars are available for sale at the parish office.

Let us pray for the sick: for the health of Donny Ellison.

Sunday collection:
Saturday 7pm- $556.45       Sunday 6am- $230.60       8:30am- $985.91
5:30pm- $320.84    7:00pm- $2492.38        Total: $4592.38
Parish weekly expenses: $3,000.00        
Deficit: $
It is in giving that we receive…many thanks for your support!!
Mass Intentions
December 27-31, 2010
Mon. In memory of Charles Woods Sr; Boutmos Bou Nahra    
                     In memory of Ena Arguelles; Roberto Barrios

Tues. In memory of Ena Arguelles Castillo; Janet Estefan   
530 pm- Ena Arguelles

Wed. In memory of James A. Waight; Ena Arguelles
          In memory of Ena Arguelles

Thurs. In memory of Ena Arguelles Castillo;   
Thanksgiving to St. Anthony of Padua
                Thanksgiving to Holy Guardian Angels
Fri.  For all the souls in purgatory  
        No Mass

Sat. 6:00 am- No Mass
          No Mass
Sanctuary light burns for the intentions of: Eleanor Gillett 
     Parish bulletin sponsored by:  Eleanor Gillett & family

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