Monday, December 6, 2010

Bulletin- December 5, 2010

Announcements- Sunday December 5, 2010   Second Sunday in Advent

1.) The Catholic youth group will have a bake-sale on Sunday December 5 after the 8:30am and Mass. Please support our youths.
2.) Many thanks to everyone who participated and helped with our parish bazaar, especially to the parish council members, all our donors, and to all who made the bazaar a success.
3.) We ask of your generous contribution in donating poinsettias to decorate our church for Christmas. Donate it in memory of a deceased loved one.
4.) Holy Hour, en Español, every Thursday in the chapel. Mass at followed by holy hour. All are welcome. Adoremos a Jesus en al Eucaristia!
5.) The St. Vincent de Paul society of our parish is still collecting can-food. Parishioners can bring their can-food to the parish office, during the weekday or weekend Masses.

Congratulations to Bishop O.P. Martin, he turned 80 years on December 4. If you would like to send him cards or gifts, you can bring it to the parish office and it will be delivered to him.

Are you looking for ways to grow spiritually, Christian gifts for loved ones, or a means of evangelizing? Then stop in at Santa Maria Books and Media situated in the Catholic Media Center building beside Divine Mercy Church. We have a wide assortment of religious books, medals, rosaries, scapulars, statues and gift items. Opening hours: Monday to Friday and Saturdays to 12noon. Come check out our Christmas specials!

Dates to remember in December 2010:
Dec 8- Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, consecration of all families at the
Mass. Bring along the entire family.
Dec. 12- Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, traditional mañanitas at followed by Mass.
Dec. 15- Mass and advent penance service starting at with evening Mass.
Dec. 18- Practical formation for Lay/Eucharistic ministers 9am- 12noon. 
Dec. 19- Healing Mass for the sick at .

Marriage bann- there is a promise of marriage between:
3rd bann- Daniel Arnoldo Castanon and Elba Melissa Sosa

Let us pray for the sick: for the health of Donny Ellison.

Mass Intentions
December 6-11, 2010
Mon. Thanksgiving to the Sacred Heart of Jesus & Mary   
          For the souls of Clemente & Pinita Espejo; Emma Urbina

Tues. Thanksgiving to St. Joseph
530 pm- For the souls of Clemente & Pinita Espejo; Emma Urbina

Wed. Special intention of Alice Riveroll; Special int to Mary Immaculate
          For the souls of Clemente & Pinita Espejo; Emma Urbina

Thurs. In memory of Lottie Waight   
For the souls of Clemente & Pinita Espejo;
                    Emma Urbina    
Fri.  In memory of Jose Mala
        Thanksgiving to Sacred Heart; Virgin of Guadalupe

Sat. In memory of Keith Swift  
          In memory of Keith Swift

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