Sunday, January 16, 2011

Parish bulletin

PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS- January 16th 2011- 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

We’re also online

1.) Diocesan Development Fund will be collected in the coming weeks, please be generous and contribute to the works of our diocese.
2.) Formation session for all Eucharistic ministers will be held on Saturday January 22, 2011 at . All Lay/Eucharistic Ministers are asked to be present and on time.
3.) Saturday January 29, 2011 will be a day of recollection for all Lay/Eucharistic ministers at Trinidad Farm starting at . Please bring along your bible. Mark your calendar.
4.) On Sunday January 30, 2011, during the 8:30AM Mass, will be the re-commissioning and commissioning of Lay/Eucharistic Ministers.
5.) A team from New York will come in February to do some repairs in the parish school.
6.) Parishioners are encouraged to offer Mass intentions for a deceased loved one or for a special intention, you sign up at the parish office. Also, if you would like to sponsor the parish bulletin or have the sanctuary light burn for your intention, visit the parish office.
7.) First Holy Communion and Confirmation classes for those children who attend non-Catholic primary school will be offered every Saturday starting February 5, 2011 at in the meeting room behind the cathedral.

Sayings of the Saints:
“We can only learn to know ourselves and do what we can - namely, surrender our will and fulfil God's will in us.” – St. Teresa of Avila

Sunday collection:    Sunday December 9th, 2011
Saturday 7pm- $282.25           Sunday 6am- $302.60          8:30am- $1188.89
5:30pm- $347.69           7:00pm- $608.05              Total: $2729.48
Parish weekly expenses: $3,000.00        
Deficit: $
It is in giving that we receive…many thanks for your support!!
Mass Intentions
January 17-22, 2011
Mon. In thanksgiving to Blessed Virgin Mary     
                     Special intention of Gabriel Alpuche

Tues. In memory of Santiago Castillo Sr.   
530 pm- Thanksgiving to by Estell Young, Melissa Robinson, Litz Laude, Lionel Villat 

Wed. For all the souls in purgatory
          For the intention of Ethel Young

Thurs. In memory of Mary Smalls, int. of Anne McField  
In memory of Enrique Martinez
Fri.  In thanksgiving to Sacred Heart of Jesus
        For all the souls in purgatory

Sat. 6:00 am- Intention of Jorge Mcfield  
            Special intention of Bernard & Elvira Thompson

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