Sunday, January 30, 2011

Parish bulletin

Sunday January 30th 2011- 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Congratulations and our prayers to: Eleanor Gillett, Maria Vasquez, Doreen Lino, Daphne Mena, Baldemar Andrade, Linda Alpuche, Emmanuel Odin, Maria Elena Romero, Esperanza Ortiz, Gloria Rodas, Leonarda Ortez, Jose Alex Ortez, and Ilda Chiac, who will be commissioned as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at the Mass this Sunday January 30th 2011. Let us pray for them!

Also congratulations and our prayers to Johnny and Wanda Valdez, Rose Musa, Marion Slusher, Anita Palma, Alejandrina Burns, Valencia Lopez and Eulalia Moguel, they will be re-commissioned as Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion.  

1.) February 2 is the feast of the Presentation, you can brings your candles to be blessed at the morning or evening Mass.
2.) There will be the blessings of throats on February 3, memorial of St. Blase during the morning and evening Mass.
3.) Diocesan Development Fund will be collected in the coming weeks, please be generous and contribute to the works of our diocese.
4.) A team from New York will come in February to do some repairs in the parish school.
5.) First Holy Communion and Confirmation classes for those children who attend non-Catholic primary school will be offered every Saturday starting February 5, 2011 at in the meeting room behind the cathedral.

Sunday collection:    Sunday January 23rd, 2011
Saturday 7pm- $423.10           Sunday 6am- $320.75        8:30am- $495.21
5:30pm- $444.40          7:00pm- $551.91              Total: $2235.37
Parish weekly expenses: $3,000.00        
Deficit: $
It is in giving that we receive…many thanks for your support!!
Mass Intentions
January 31- February 5, 2011
Mon. In memory of Luisa Caliz     
                     In memory of Jean Sanchez; Raymond Gillett; Mercedes Heredia

Tues. Special intention for healing of Rita Burgos
530 pm- In memory of Mr & Mrs D Gonzalez; in memory of Jean Sanchez   

Wed. Special int. of Mae Ginter; special int. of healing for Anita Burgos
          In memory of Jean Sanchez; thanksgiving to St. Michael

Thurs. In memory of Mateo Ramirez
In memory of Jean Sanchez
                thanksgiving to Virgin of Guadalupe
Fri.  Special int. of healing for Rita Burgos  
        In memory of Jean Sanchez; thanksgiving to Esquipulas  

Sat. In memory of Carl Kenrick Barona
            In memory of Oscar Ayuso Jr.
Sanctuary light burns for the intentions of: Rita Douglas
Parish bulletin sponsored by: Rita Douglas and family

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