Sunday, January 22, 2012

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time- January 22nd 2012
1.) There will be a second collection this weekend of January 22nd for the St. Vincent de Paul society, please be generous in your contribution.
2.) You can now purchase the Diocesan 2012 calendar for $4.00 at the parish office.
3.) Layministers workshop to be held on Saturday January 28th, starting at 9:00am.
4.) There will be a Special Mass celebrated by Bishop Wright on Sunday January 29th at 10am in the parish hall in regards to upholding Divine Laws in Belize. All are welcome.
5.) The St. Vincent de Paul society will have a bake-sale on Sunday February 12th after the 830am Mass.
6.) All are welcome to the Pallotti High School fair on Saturday January 28th at the high school grounds starting at 4:00pm. Lots of games, food and drinks.

Sunday collection: Sunday, January 15th,  2012
Saturday 7pm- $198.00    Sunday 6am- $61.30         8:30am- $597.25
5:30pm- $368.56                7:00pm- $1005.35       Total: $2230.46
It is in giving that we receive…many thanks for your support!!

Marriage bann: There is a promise of marriage between:
 Luke Conroy Usher and Shanna Denise Ayuso

Mass intentions- January 22-28, 2012
Sun. -   6:00am - In memory of Estelle Monsanto, Michael Williams
             8:30 am - In memory of Edgar & Alice Gegg
             7:00 pm - In memory of Rudolph Innocent Castillo, Sr.; Intentions of Nathan Ellis, Don Ellis        
                               IV, Prayer Chain, M/M Glynn Pichon & Family

Mon. - 5:30 am - In memory of Michael Williams, Christine Nigro, Simeon Pollak,
                               Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Gegg
              5:30 pm - In memory of Mazie Marshaleck, John Frascatore, Darlene Bouloy, Trinidad Smith  
                              & Lucy Gidquinto

Tues. - 5:30 am - In memory of Louise Young, Henry Charles Usher, Carol Froehlich, Mr/Mrs Edgar Gegg
 5:30 pm - In memory of Joshua Usher, Trinidad Smith; Intention of David King & family

Wed. 5:30 am - In memory of John Price, Mr/Mrs Edgar Gegg, Christine Nigro, Joe Downs, Mary Frascatore
           5:30 pm - In memory of George Price, Br. Steve King, Esther Shamon & Trinidad Smith
Thurs. 5:30 am- In memory of  George Price, Esther Shamon, Mr. &Mrs. Edgar Gegg
5:30 pm - In memory of Trinidad Smith, Esther Shamon; Intention of David King & Family
Fri.  5:30 am - In memory of Rose Frascatore, Edgar & Alice Gegg; Intention of Glynn Pichon & Fam.
      5:30 pm - In memory of Trinidad Smith; intention of Kristie Vollentine’s mother

Sat. 6:00 am- In memory of Marco A Bedran, William S. Price, Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Gegg
                         Intention of Kristie Vollentine’s mother
        7:00 pm- intention of Nathan Ellis, Don Ellis IV, prayer chain, Glynn Pichon & Family, Lela Usher
                         In memory of Trinidad Smith
Parish bulletin sponsored in memory of Edgar & Alice Gegg
Sanctuary light burns in memory of Edgar and Alice Gegg

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