Sunday, January 1, 2012

Sunday bulletin

Solemnity of Mary Mother of God- January 1st 2012

Father Oliver J. Smalls Jr. and Father Jordan E. Gongora wish all parishioners and friends a most blessed and happy New Year 2012!!

1.) There will be no evening Mass on Monday January 2, 2012; morning Mass will be at 6:00am.
2.) Novena to Nuestro Senor de Esquipulas begins on January 7, 2012. Contact Maria 621-9640 or Eleanor at 601-6667 for intentions.
3.) Many thanks to the persons who donated poinsettias, floral arrangements, and helped clean and decorate the Cathedral for the Christmas season. God bless you always!  

Sunday collection:    Sunday December 25th, 2011
Saturday  9:00pm- $2448.00          11:00 pm-$857.00        
Sunday 6:30 am - $280.00         8:30am - $420.00        Total: $4008.00
 It is in giving that we receive, many thanks for your support!
Mass Intentions
January 1st to 7th, 2012

Sun. 6:00am -  In memory of Mrs. Estelle Monsanto 
        8:30 am - In memory of B. J. Robinson,
Special Intentions  for Rose Musa, Nathan Ellis, Don Ellis IV, Sue Usher, Jane Ellen Usher, Lela Usher, Ted Burrowes, Prayer Chain & Mr. & Mrs. Glynn Pichon
Mon. 6:00am - In memory of Simeon Pollak, Christine Nigro, George C. Price, Mazie Marshleck
                                Lucy Giaquinto; John Frascatore
Tues. 5:30am - In memory of Henry Charles Usher, Carol Froelich, Joshua Usher,
                         In memory of deceased members of Price family  
          5:30pm- In memory of Joshua Usher
Wed. 5:30am - In memory of Esther Shamon, Mary Frascatore, Christine Nigro, Bourtros         

          5:30pm - In memory of George C. Price, thanksgiving to holy guardian angels
Thurs. 5:30am - In memory of Esther Shamon
           5:30pm - In memory of Esther Shamon; special intention to St. Jude
 Fri.    5:30am - In memory of Rose Frascatore; intention of Glyn Pichon  
           5:30pm – Intention for Kristie Vollentine’s mother
Sat.    6:00am - In memory of Marco A Bedran, William S Price, special Intention for Kristine Vollentine’s Mother  
7:00pm - Special Intentions for Don Ellis IV, Sue Usher, Rose Musa, Nathan Ellis,
                 Jane Ellen Usher, Lela Usher, prayer chain M/M Glynn
Sanctuary light burns for the intentions of Joseph & Gloria Habet & family
Parish bulletin sponsored by Joseph and Gloria Habet & family

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