Sunday, January 29, 2012

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time- January 29th, 2012
1.) You can now purchase the Diocesan 2012 calendar for $4.00 at the parish office.
2.) Anointing of the Sick Mass to be held on Sunday February 12 at 3:00pm, parishioners are encouraged to bring your family relatives or neighbours who are ill, homebound or the elderly to this special healing Mass.
3.)  The St. Vincent de Paul society will have a bake-sale on Sunday February 12th after the 830am Mass.
4.) There will be a retreat at Our Lady of Guadalupe Mercy centre on February 18, 2012 from 9am to 4pm, $50 registration fee, call 223-2275 for more details.
5.) The 2012 Diocesan Development Fund is open. Our goal is $8000.00. Please be generous and contribute.
6.) Vacancy for Principal at Holy Redeemer School, send application letter to Father Oliver J. Smalls Jr., P.O.BOX 616, Belize city.

Sunday collection: Sunday, January 22nd,  2012
Saturday 7pm- $561.00    Sunday 6am- $171.80       8:30am- $684.50
5:30pm- $445.50           7:00pm- $492.46       Total: $2355.26
It is in giving that we receive…many thanks for your support!!

Marriage bann: There is a promise of marriage between:
 Luke Conroy Usher and Shanna Denise Ayuso
Elmer Galel Guzman and Shanelle Louanna Wade

Mass intentions:
Sunday - 6am- In memory of Estelle Monsanto
              8:30am- In memory of George C. Price; Trinidad Smith, intention of Mr. & Mrs Bernard Thompson
    Prayer chain intention M/M Glynn Pichon and family special int. Nathan Ellis, Don Ellis IV, Jorge McField
             5:30 pm- In memory of Beatrice Gonzalez
Mon. 5:30 am- In memory of Christine Nigro, Simeon Pollak, Lucy Giaquinto
             5:30 pm- In memory of Mazie Marshaleck, John rascatore, Darlene Bouley, Trinidad Smith  
Tues. 5:30 am- In memory of Joshua Usher, Henry Charles Usher, Carol Froehlich,
530 pm- In memory of Joshua Usher; Trinidad Smith; Viola Jeffries; int. of David King & family
Wed. 5:30 am- In memory of John Price, Christine Nigro, Mary Frascatore, Esther Shamon
             5:30 pm- In memory of George Price, Br. Steve King; Carlos Gomez, Trinidad Requena
Thurs. 5:30 am- In memory of George Price; Esther Shamon, Joe Downs
5:30 pm- In memory of Trinidad Smith, special intention of M/M S. David King
Fri.  5:30 am- In memory of Beatrice Gonzalez, Rose Frascatore; intention of Mr. & Mrs. Glynn Pichon
        5:30 pm- In memory of Beatriz Gonzalez, intention for Kristie Vollentine’s mother
Sat. 6:00 am- In memory of Marco A Bedran, William S. Price, Intention for Kristie Vollentine’s mother  
        7:00 pm- intention of Nathan Ellis, Don Ellis IV, Lela Usher , prayer chain Glynn Pichon & family
Sanctuary light burns in memory of Beatrice Gonzalez
Parish bulletin sponsored in memory of Beatrice Gonzalez

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