Monday, November 22, 2010

Parish bulletinfor Sunday November 21, 2010.

We’re also online 
1.) Next Sunday we begin the season of Advent. Families can start to bring their advent wreath and candles to be blessed at Mass.   
2.) There will be a brief meeting for all Lay and Eucharistic ministers on Tuesday November 23, 2010 at , parish meeting room. Please be there and on time.
3.) Couple for Christ is seeking one or two couples from our parish to join this movement in bring Christ to the family and youths. More information with Fr. Gongora
4.) If you would like to donate an item for tombola or any stall, please bring in your item to the parish office no later than November 22nd. Thank you!
5.) The St. Vincent de Paul society of our parish will have a can-food drive for the month of November to assist hurricane victims and the needy. Parishioners can bring their can-food to the parish office, during the weekday or weekend Masses.
6.) Parishioners are invited to offer voluntary assistance before and the day of our parish bazaar, December 4th. Please contact any parish council member or sign up at the parish office.

Our Lady of Guadalupe novena December 4-12, 2010.
Parish bazaar- Saturday December 4th, 2010, make it a date!

Annual Hispanic Catholic Charismatic Convention, December 5th 2010,
Holy Redeemer Parish Hall, starting at 8:30am, Mass at 3:00pm

Marriage bann- there is a promise of marriage between:
1st bann- Daniel Arnoldo Castanon and Elba Melissa Sosa
3rd bann: Robert James Aguirre and Jessica Marie Clark

Sunday collection:
Saturday 7pm- $ 353.44        Sunday 6am- $330.35        8:30am- $870.87
5:30pm- $401.60    7:00pm- $2854.22  Total: $4810.22

Parish weekly expenses: $3,000.00        
Deficit: $        
It is in giving that we receive…many thanks for your support!!

Mass Intentions
November 22-27, 2010
Mon. Thanksgiving to Mother of Perpetual help   
          Special intention of thanksgiving to St. Jude  

Tues. In memory of Demetria Zelaya
530 pm- For the soul of Clemene Espejo
Wed. Thanksgiving to St. Peregrine
          In memory of Robert Turton  

Thurs. Thanksgiving to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel  
In memory of Anita Turton    
Fri.  In memory of John Blanco  
        Thanksgiving to St. Jude by Hazel Rivero

Sat. Thanksgiving to Sacred Heart of Jesus
          In memory of Wahib Habet

Sancturay light burns for the intentions of:

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