Monday, November 8, 2010

Bulletin- Sunday November 7th 2010

Parish Announcements- Sunday November 7th 2010
1.) On Saturday November 13th religious Sisters from the congregation of St. Clare from Chetumal will visit our parish. There will be a special Mass at to welcome them. All are welcome to join the sisters for Mass.
2.) We would like to invite all parish families to assist in the bazaar raffle by selling a raffle ticket. A parish council member will be at the entrance of the church, so get your raffle tickets and help us sell the raffle. Thank you!
Also, if you would like to donate an item for tombola or any stall, please bring in your item to the parish office no later than November 26th.
3.) The St. Vincent de Paul society of our parish will have a can-food drive for the month of November to assist hurricane victims and the needy. Parishioners can bring their can-food to the parish office, during the weekday or weekend Masses.
4.) November is the month dedicated to the faithful departed. Please write the names of your loved ones who have passed away on the book of the dead, which is at the back of the church, and they will be remembered at all Masses during November.
5.) Voices for Life ask your humble support towards the campaign for Life by signing the booklets at the back of the church. It is our duty as Christians to support and defend life!
6.) Parishioners are invited to offer voluntary assistance before and the day of our parish bazaar, December 4th. Please contact any parish council member or sign up at the parish office.

Novena in honour of Christ the King November 13-21, 2010.

Our Lady of Guadalupe novena December 4-12, 2010.

Parish bazaar- Saturday December 4th, 2010, make it a date!

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