Sunday, November 14, 2010

Parish bulletin 33rd Sunday in Ordinary time- November 14 2010

Parish bulletin sponsored by: Mr. & Mrs. Rose Musa & family
Mass Intentions
November 15-20, 2010
Mon. Thanksgiving to Infant Jesus of Prague; for the soul of Rudolph Castillo Sr.  
          In memory of Albert Musa, Carlos Azueta, Neli Bati.  

Tues. In memory of Albert Musa, Chayben Bou Nahra
530 pm- In memory of Alan Heredia Sr; Special intention of Hazel Rivero

Wed. Thanksgiving to St. Michael Archangel
          In memory of Rudolph Castillo; Albert Musa  

Thurs. For the soul of Santiago Castillo Sr.  
For the souls of: Luis Rene Tam; Carlos Gomez  
Trinidad Requena and Mauro Gongora
Fri.  In memory of Irene Habet; Marcella Villas
        NO Mass

Sat. For all the deceased diocesan priests, for all the souls in purgatory.
          In memory of Enrique Martinez; Santiago Castillo Sr. 

Sancturay light burns for the intentions of: Mrs Rose Musa

  Mass readings of the week:
Monday Nov 15- Rv 1:1-4, 2:1-5, Lk -43
Tuesday Nov 16- Rv 3: 1-6, 14-22, Lk 19:1-10
Wednesday Nov 17- Rv 4: 1-11, Lk 19: 11-28
Thursday Nov 18- Rv 5: 1-10, Lk -44
Friday Nov 19- Rv 10: 8-11, Lk 19: 45-48
Saturday Nov 20- Rv 11: 4-12, Lk 20: 27-40
Sunday Nov 21- 2Sam 5: 1-3, Col 1: 12-20, Lk 23: 35-43

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