Saturday, November 27, 2010

Bulletin for Sunday November 28, 2010

Parish bulletin for Sunday November 28, 2010- 1st Sunday in Advent

Parish bazaar- Saturday December 4th, 2010
Be there, support your parish!
1.) Delicious BBQ and turkey dinner tickets are on sale from any of the parish council members and on the day of the bazaar from to .
2.) Couples for Christ is seeking one or two couples from our parish to join this movement in bring Christ to the family and youths. More information with Fr. Gongora
3.) The St. Vincent de Paul society of our parish is still collecting can-food. Parishioners can bring their can-food to the parish office, during the weekday or weekend Masses.

November 28th- National day of prayer to end violence against women!
Our Lady of Guadalupe novena December 4-12, 2010.

Annual Hispanic Catholic Charismatic Convention, December 5th 2010,
Fordyce Chapel, Landivar campus, starting at 8:30am, Mass at 3:00pm

Dates to remember in December 2010:
Dec 8- Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, consecration of all families at the
Mass. Bring along the entire family.
Dec. 12- Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, traditional maƱanitas at followed by Mass.
Dec. 15- Mass and advent penance service starting at with evening Mass.
Dec. 18- Practical formation for Lay/Eucharistic ministers 9am- 12noon. 
Dec. 19- Healing Mass for the sick at .

Marriage bann- there is a promise of marriage between:
2nd bann- Daniel Arnoldo Castanon and Elba Melissa Sosa

Sunday collection:
Saturday 7pm- $219.00         Sunday 6am- $257.61        8:30am- $631.91
5:30pm- $488.18    7:00pm- $774.27        Total: $2370.97
Parish weekly expenses: $3,000.00        
Deficit: $629.03 
It is in giving that we receive…many thanks for your support!!
Mass Intentions
November 29-December 4, 2010
Mon. In memory of James Waight and Leopoldo Balderamos  
          In memory of Elvira Searle; special intention of Giancarlo Alpuche

Tues. In memory of Keith Swift
530 pm- In memory of keith Swift; Raymond Weir

Wed. For the souls of Clemente & Pinita Espejo; Emma Urbina
          Thanksgiving to St. Jude

Thurs. For the souls of Clemente & Pinita Espejo, Emma Urbina  
Special intention of Maria Jex    
              Thanksgiving by Hazel Clarke
Fri.  Special int. of Irma Arguellos;
            For the souls of Clemente & Pinita Espejo, Emma Urbina  
        Special intention of William Pou

Sat. 6:00 am- For the souls of Clemente & Pinita Espejo, Emma Urbina  
          For all the souls in purgatory
Sanctuary light burns for the intention of: Tam family
  Parish bulletin sponsored by: Tam family
Mass readings of the week:
Monday Nov 29- Is 4: 2-6; Mt 8: 5-11
Tuesday Nov 30- Rom 10: 9-18; Mt -22
Wednesday Dec 1- Is 25: 6-10; Mt 15: 29-37
Thursday Dec 2- Is 26: 1-6, Mt 7: 21, 24-27
Friday Dec 3- Is 29: 17-24; Mt 9 29: 17-24
Saturday Dec 4- Is 30: 19-21, 23-26, Mt 9: 35, 10: 1
Sunday Dec 5- Isa 11: 1-10, Rom 15: 4-9, Mt 3: 1-12

Monday, November 22, 2010

Parish bulletinfor Sunday November 21, 2010.

We’re also online 
1.) Next Sunday we begin the season of Advent. Families can start to bring their advent wreath and candles to be blessed at Mass.   
2.) There will be a brief meeting for all Lay and Eucharistic ministers on Tuesday November 23, 2010 at , parish meeting room. Please be there and on time.
3.) Couple for Christ is seeking one or two couples from our parish to join this movement in bring Christ to the family and youths. More information with Fr. Gongora
4.) If you would like to donate an item for tombola or any stall, please bring in your item to the parish office no later than November 22nd. Thank you!
5.) The St. Vincent de Paul society of our parish will have a can-food drive for the month of November to assist hurricane victims and the needy. Parishioners can bring their can-food to the parish office, during the weekday or weekend Masses.
6.) Parishioners are invited to offer voluntary assistance before and the day of our parish bazaar, December 4th. Please contact any parish council member or sign up at the parish office.

Our Lady of Guadalupe novena December 4-12, 2010.
Parish bazaar- Saturday December 4th, 2010, make it a date!

Annual Hispanic Catholic Charismatic Convention, December 5th 2010,
Holy Redeemer Parish Hall, starting at 8:30am, Mass at 3:00pm

Marriage bann- there is a promise of marriage between:
1st bann- Daniel Arnoldo Castanon and Elba Melissa Sosa
3rd bann: Robert James Aguirre and Jessica Marie Clark

Sunday collection:
Saturday 7pm- $ 353.44        Sunday 6am- $330.35        8:30am- $870.87
5:30pm- $401.60    7:00pm- $2854.22  Total: $4810.22

Parish weekly expenses: $3,000.00        
Deficit: $        
It is in giving that we receive…many thanks for your support!!

Mass Intentions
November 22-27, 2010
Mon. Thanksgiving to Mother of Perpetual help   
          Special intention of thanksgiving to St. Jude  

Tues. In memory of Demetria Zelaya
530 pm- For the soul of Clemene Espejo
Wed. Thanksgiving to St. Peregrine
          In memory of Robert Turton  

Thurs. Thanksgiving to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel  
In memory of Anita Turton    
Fri.  In memory of John Blanco  
        Thanksgiving to St. Jude by Hazel Rivero

Sat. Thanksgiving to Sacred Heart of Jesus
          In memory of Wahib Habet

Sancturay light burns for the intentions of:

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Parish bulletin Announcements- November 14 2010

We’re also online

1.) We thank all who helped with the preparations of the Sisters of St. Claire’s visit yesterday and for the lunch that was provided for the Sisters. They enjoyed the Mass and their visit. The Sisters are from Chetumal, Mexico.
2.) Note: there will be NO evening Mass on November 19.
3.) Someone broke into the old school building last weekend and trashed the classroom. They overturned the desk, chairs and bookcases. They stole $42.00 out of the teacher’s desk. Let us pray for the thieves, for a greater respect for life and property.
4.) We would like to invite all parish families to assist in the bazaar raffle by selling a raffle ticket. A parish council member will be at the entrance of the church, so get your raffle tickets and help us sell the raffle. Also, if you would like to donate an item for tombola or any stall, please bring in your item to the parish office no later than November 22nd. Thank you!
5.) The St. Vincent de Paul society of our parish will have a can-food drive for the month of November to assist hurricane victims and the needy. Parishioners can bring their can-food to the parish office, during the weekday or weekend Masses.
6.) Parishioners are invited to offer voluntary assistance before and the day of our parish bazaar, December 4th. Please contact any parish council member or sign up at the parish office.

Novena in honour of Christ the King November 13-21, 2010.
Our Lady of Guadalupe novena December 4-12, 2010.
Parish bazaar- Saturday December 4th, 2010, make it a date!

Marriage bann- there is a promise of marriage between :
2nd bann: Robert James Aguirre and Jessica Marie Clark

Sunday collection:
Saturday 7pm- $342.55         Sunday 6am- $130.75           8:30am- $1081.57
5:30pm- $257.20          7:00pm- $468.00         Total: $2280.07

Parish weekly expenses: $3,000.00        
Deficit: $719.93        
It is in giving that we receive…many thanks for your support!!

Parish bulletin 33rd Sunday in Ordinary time- November 14 2010

Parish bulletin sponsored by: Mr. & Mrs. Rose Musa & family
Mass Intentions
November 15-20, 2010
Mon. Thanksgiving to Infant Jesus of Prague; for the soul of Rudolph Castillo Sr.  
          In memory of Albert Musa, Carlos Azueta, Neli Bati.  

Tues. In memory of Albert Musa, Chayben Bou Nahra
530 pm- In memory of Alan Heredia Sr; Special intention of Hazel Rivero

Wed. Thanksgiving to St. Michael Archangel
          In memory of Rudolph Castillo; Albert Musa  

Thurs. For the soul of Santiago Castillo Sr.  
For the souls of: Luis Rene Tam; Carlos Gomez  
Trinidad Requena and Mauro Gongora
Fri.  In memory of Irene Habet; Marcella Villas
        NO Mass

Sat. For all the deceased diocesan priests, for all the souls in purgatory.
          In memory of Enrique Martinez; Santiago Castillo Sr. 

Sancturay light burns for the intentions of: Mrs Rose Musa

  Mass readings of the week:
Monday Nov 15- Rv 1:1-4, 2:1-5, Lk -43
Tuesday Nov 16- Rv 3: 1-6, 14-22, Lk 19:1-10
Wednesday Nov 17- Rv 4: 1-11, Lk 19: 11-28
Thursday Nov 18- Rv 5: 1-10, Lk -44
Friday Nov 19- Rv 10: 8-11, Lk 19: 45-48
Saturday Nov 20- Rv 11: 4-12, Lk 20: 27-40
Sunday Nov 21- 2Sam 5: 1-3, Col 1: 12-20, Lk 23: 35-43

Monday, November 8, 2010

Bulletin- Sunday November 7th 2010

Parish Announcements- Sunday November 7th 2010
1.) On Saturday November 13th religious Sisters from the congregation of St. Clare from Chetumal will visit our parish. There will be a special Mass at to welcome them. All are welcome to join the sisters for Mass.
2.) We would like to invite all parish families to assist in the bazaar raffle by selling a raffle ticket. A parish council member will be at the entrance of the church, so get your raffle tickets and help us sell the raffle. Thank you!
Also, if you would like to donate an item for tombola or any stall, please bring in your item to the parish office no later than November 26th.
3.) The St. Vincent de Paul society of our parish will have a can-food drive for the month of November to assist hurricane victims and the needy. Parishioners can bring their can-food to the parish office, during the weekday or weekend Masses.
4.) November is the month dedicated to the faithful departed. Please write the names of your loved ones who have passed away on the book of the dead, which is at the back of the church, and they will be remembered at all Masses during November.
5.) Voices for Life ask your humble support towards the campaign for Life by signing the booklets at the back of the church. It is our duty as Christians to support and defend life!
6.) Parishioners are invited to offer voluntary assistance before and the day of our parish bazaar, December 4th. Please contact any parish council member or sign up at the parish office.

Novena in honour of Christ the King November 13-21, 2010.

Our Lady of Guadalupe novena December 4-12, 2010.

Parish bazaar- Saturday December 4th, 2010, make it a date!