Saturday, April 28, 2012

Fourth Sunday of Easter, April 29th, 2012
1.) There will be no evening Mass on Tuesday May 1st, 2012; morning Mass will be at 530am.
2.) A Charismatic and healing Mass in Spanish will be held on Thursday May 3rd at 7:00pm in the cathedral, all are welcome to the praise & worship healing Mass.
3.) Holy hour on Friday May 4th will not be held due to the Evening prayer with the Auxiliary Bishop-elect Christopher Glancy, CSV starting at 6:30pm, all are invited to attend.
4.) There will be no morning Mass on Saturday May 5th due to the Episcopal ordination. Please try to attend the ordination on Saturday May 5th 10:00 am at SJC Gymnasium.
5.) There is a vacancy for Vice-principal for Infant division contact parish office for more information.

Sunday collection: Sunday April 22nd, 2012
Saturday 7pm- $528.40     Sunday 6am- $267.31        8:30am- $385.36
5:30pm- $368.56       7:00pm- $263.30        Total: $1812.93
“It is in giving that we receive…many thanks for your support!! 
Diocesan development Fund collection 2012:
Total collected- $3904.00 Balance- $4196.00 Goal-$8000.00
The following persons have contributed towards the Diocesan Development Fund 2012:
In memory of the late Ms. Alicia Rubiceli Vivas, Mr. Nigel Shanel Gongora, Ms. Gilda Robinson Saldano, Mr. Egbert Sylvester Tillett Jr., Mrs. Mary Lou Smalls, Mr. Cornelius D. Smalls, Ms. Giardello Smalls, Ms. Vicky Lee Smalls, Mr. Edilberto Chen, Mr. Oliver Joseph Smalls, Sr., Ms. Faindello Rose Miller, Mr. Julio Novelo, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Andrews & Family, Mr. Ernesto Torres, Mr. & Mrs. Edward & Rose Musa & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Jorge McField, Ms. Althea Sealy, Ms. Louise Maldonado, Ms. Dolores Gray, Mr. Donahue Young, A. Flores, Ms. Tona Griffith, 3 Donors, Ramos Ortiz Family, Ms. Jenny Evans & Ms. Laura Alvarado. Thank You!

Mass intentions:
Sunday - 6am- In memory of Estelle Monsanto; Lucia Castillo
              8:30am- special intention of Lela Usher, Nathan Ellis, Don Ellis IV; in memory of Sr. Maria Pablo RSM
                           Prayer chain intention M/M Glynn Pichon and family
               7:00 pm- In memory of Thelma Williams; Lucy Giaquinto                       
Mon. 5:30 am- In memory of Christine Nigro, Simeon Pollack, Joshua Usher
             5:30 pm- In memory of Mazie Marshaleck, Lucy Giaqiunto 
Tues. 5:30 am- Intention of Louise Gentle, in memory of Joe Downs; George Price
               In memory of Louis Smith; George Price; Br Steve King  
Wed. 5:30 am- In memory of Marco A Bedran; Clara Schmidt
           5:30 pm- In memory of Frank Garbutt Sr; David Boyd; Eugene Frascatore                  
Thurs. 5:30 am- Intention of John Albert Smith; Margaret Jeffery; Glyn Pichon & family  
5:30 pm- Intention of Louis Gentle; David King & family; Jerry Schmidt; Clarence McRae                     
Fri.  5:30 am- In memory of Esther Shamon; Mary Frascatore, Samuel Price; Rose Frascatore
        5:30 pm- In memory of Sr. Mary Angelita SAC;  Pablo Espat  
Sat. 6:00 am-In memory of Henry Charles Usher; Carol Forelich
  7:00 pm- In memory of Edilberto Chen; intention for Christine Volentine’s mother;
       Intention of Glynn Pichon & family; Shelly Pinks Guy & family

Sanctuary light burns in memory of Thelma Williams
Parish bulletin sponsored in memory of Thelma Williams

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