Saturday, March 31, 2012

Palm Sunday- April 1st, 2012

Diocesan development Fund collection 2012:
Total collected- $2412.00 Balance- $5588.00 Goal-$8000.00 

1.) Many thanks to the persons who attended the Lenten program at the parish hall.
2.) Christ renews his parish retreat for women to be held on Saturday April 21 and Sunday April 22, 2012 at Our Lady of Guadalupe Spiritual life centre. Contact parish office for more information, call 227-2122.
3.) Mrs. Suzette Arzu has been appointed Principal of Holy Redeemer School effective September 1, 2012.
4.) Registration for new students to attend Holy Redeemer School will be on April 19, 2012.
5.) Parish Council members are kindly asked to take the Sunday Mass on April 1st, 8th, and 15th at the 8:30 am Mass.  

Holy Week Schedule 2012:
Palm Sunday April 1st- Blessed palms will be distributed at all Masses.
Chrism Mass- April 4th at 6:00 pm, Holy Redeemer Cathedral
Holy Thursday, April 5th, Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7:00pm followed by adoration until 10:00pm. Please come as family to pray before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament!
Good Friday service, April 6th, 1:30pm Divine Mercy novena; 3:00pm Passion of Our Lord Jesus, followed by Stations of the Cross through the streets.
Holy Saturday, April 7th, Easter Vigil at 7:00pm
Easter Sunday, April 8th, Mass at 6:00 am, 8:30am and 5:30pm (Spanish), notice there will be no 7:00pm Mass.  

Sunday collection: Sunday March 25th, 2012
Saturday 7pm- $589.75     Sunday 6am- $185.30        8:30am- $307.25
5:30pm- $302.71        7:00pm- $1029.51         Total: $2414.52
“It is in giving that we receive…many thanks for your support!!

The following persons have contributed towards the Diocesan Development Fund 2012:
Marie Gardiner, Mr. & Mrs. Marion J. Usher, in loving memory of the late Mr. Joshua Usher, Attorney Richard H. Greenberg, in loving memory of the late Mr. James Geraghty, Rev. Fr. Thomas Marrette, Mr. Bernard L. Dowd, Mr. & Mrs. James. J. Ambrosino, Mrs. Ann B. Smirtic, in loving memory of the late Mr. William W. Smirtic, Eleanor Gillett, Belize Sugar Industries Ltd., Insurance Claim Services, Lourdes Manzanero, Master Don R. Ellis, IV, Master Nathan Ellis; in loving memories of the late Mr. Joshua Usher, Mr. James Geraghty & Mr. William W. Smirtic.

Mass intentions:
Sunday - 6am- In memory of Estelle Monsanto
              8:30am- special intention of Lela Usher, Nathan Ellis, Don Ellis IV; healing of Phillip A. Usher
                                   Prayer chain intention M/M Glynn Pichon and family
               7:00pm- In memory of Alfred Griffith, Rosita Viana Lizama; Allan Heredia Sr
Mon. 5:30 am- In memory of Christine Nigro, Simeon Pollack, Clara Schmidt,
             Intention of John Albert Smith; David Boyd; M Jeffery; David King & family
             5:30 pm- In memory of Rosita V Lizama, Mazie Marshaleck, John Frascatore, Lucy Giaqiunto
                               Br Steve King; George Price
Tues. 5:30 am- In memory of Catherine Sanchez; Marc A Bedran; Henry c Usher; Carol Froelich,
                            Joshua Usher, Joe Downs
530 pm- In memory of Rosita V Lizama; Alberto B Assi; Dotsy Chanona 
Wed. 5:30 am- In memory of Esther Shamon; Mary Frascatore; Samuel Price; Joe Downs; Rose Frascatore
           5:30 pm- In memory of Frank Garbutt Sr, Joshua Usher                 
Thurs. 7:00 pm- Special intention for Holy Redeemer parishioners                      
Fri.  No Mass  
Sat.   7:00 pm- In memory of Rosita Lizama, Allan Heredia Sr; intention of Jerry Schmidt, Clarence
                 McRae; Prayer chain intention M/M Glynn Pichon and family.

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