Monday, February 20, 2012

Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time- February 19th, 2012


The Holy season of Lent begins on Wednesday February 22, 2012.
Blessed ashes will be distributed on Ash Wednesday Masses at 5:30 am and 5:30pm. 
1.)    The 2012 Diocesan Development Fund collection is open. Our goal is $8000.00. Please be generous and contribute.
2.)    Many thanks to those who attended and made possible the healing Mass last Sunday. Thank you to the Ladies group for preparing the social. God bless!
3.) Please be generous and contribute in the 2nd collection this weekend for the Vincentians.
4.) Come pray with us the Way of the Cross every Friday in Lent at 6:00pmin the cathedral. Remember God wants full custody, not only on weekend visits.
5.) Layministers workshop will be held on Saturday March 3rd at 9:00am.
6.) Vacancies for 3 temporary teachers at Holy Redeemer School. Contact the office for more details.
Marriage bann: There is a promise of marriage between: Luke Conroy Usher and Shanna Denise Ayuso

Mass intentions
Sunday - 6am- In memory of Estelle Monsanto; Damiana Heredia
              8:30am- special intention of Lela Usher, Nathan Ellis, Don Ellis IV
                                   Prayer chain intention M/M Glynn Pichon and family
Mon. 5:30 am- In memory of Damiana & Orlando Heredia; Enrique MartinezChristine Nigro, Simeon Pollak             5:30 pm- In memory of Mazie Marshaleck, John Frascatore, Lucy Giaquinto, 
Tues. 5:30 am- In memory of Ben Bou Nahra, Joshua Usher, Henry Charles Usher, Carol Froehlich, Joe Downs 530 pm- In memory of Catherine Sanchez; intention of David King & family
Wed. 5:30 am- In memory of Joe Downs, Christine Nigro, Mary Frascatore, Esther Shamon
             5:30 pm- In memory of George Price, Br. Steve King             
Thurs. 5:30 am- Intention of John Albert Smith, Jerry Schmidt, Clarence McRae
5:30 pm- In memory of Joe Downs, Esther Shamon, special intention of M/M S. David King                     
Fri.  5:30 am- In memory of Rose Frascatore; intention of Mr. & Mrs. Glynn Pichon
        5:30 pm- In memory of Trinidad Smith, intention for Kristie Vollentine’s mother. 
Sat. 6:00 am- In memory of Marco A Bedran, William S. Price, Intention for Kristie Vollentine’s mother. 
   7:00 pm- special intention of Lela Usher, Nathan Ellis, Don Ellis IV; Prayer chain intention M/M Glynn Pichon and family.
Sanctuary light burns for a special intention
Parish bulletin sponsored for a special intention

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