Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Sunday bulletin

Third Sunday in Advent- December 11th, 2011   
1.) All are invited to a special Mass in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Mon. Dec. 12 at St. Martin de Porres Church at 7:00pm.
2.) Advent Penance Service on Thurs. Dec. 15th, 2011 at 6:00 pm after the evening Mass. Prepare that special place in your heart for the Divine Messiah to be born.
3.) Thanks to all who visited & prayed for Fr. Jordan Gongora while hospitalized, attended the Dennis Grady Concert, helped/donated in any way to make the Holy Redeemer Christmas Bazaar a success & to the students for participating in the mass for the 24th anniversary to the priesthood for our dear Pastor/Administrator Rev. Fr. Oliver J. Smalls, Jr. ..Congratulations, his anniversary is today!  
4.) Belize Choral Society Christmas Concerts: Sat. Dec. 17th, 8:00 p.m. Holy Redeemer Parish Hall & Sun. Dec. 18th, 3:00 p.m.  St.  John’s Cathedral.
5.) Items for the Can Food Drive for St. Vincent de Paul Society can be dropped off at the Presbytery Office or at the different Masses.         
6.) Contact the parish office if you would like to donate poinsettias to decorate our church for Christmas. You can donate in memory of a deceased love one.
Sunday collection:    Sunday December 4th, 2011
Saturday 7:00 pm - $ 139.25      Sunday 6:00 am - $ 143.30      8:30am - $ 440.40
5:30pm - $ 422.10              7:00pm - $ 661.25        Total: $1,806.30
                   It is in giving that we receive…many thanks for your support!!”
 Promise of Marriage between Ethan Karsten Gough & Cyndi Wendy Perez; Kenneth Alejandro Perez & Andrea Nicole Gill; Adam Borger & Bonita Thibault of Naperville, Illinois

Mass Intentions
December 11th- 17th, 2011
Sun.  6:00am  -  In memory of Mrs. Estelle Monsanto   
 7:00pm  -  Special Intentions  for Rose Musa, Nathan Ellis, Don Ellis IV, Sue Usher,      Jane Ellen Usher, Lela Usher, Ted Burrowes, Prayer Chain & Mr. & Mrs.   Glynn Pichon
Mon. 5:30am -  In memory of Simeon Pollak, Christine Nigro, & George C. Price
5:30pm -   In memory of Evelyn Deeks, Mazie Marshalleck & Lucy Gia Quinto
                 Thanksgiving to Our Lady of Guadalupe & St. Benedict
Tues. 5:30am -  In memory of  Henry Charles Usher, Carol Froelich & Joshua Usher            Thanksgiving to Our Lady of Guadalupe     
          5:30pm -  In memory of John Frascatore & Enrique M. Martinez
                          Special intentions for Kristie Vollentine’s Mother & Joseph Jex
Wed.  5:30am - In memory of Esther Shamon, Mary Frascatore & Christine Nigro,
           5:30pm - In memory of Eugene Frascatore & Lucy Gia Quinto
Thurs. 5:30am - In memory of Esther Shamon; Special Intention for Ted Burrowes  
           5:30pm - In memory of Sarita Marin Noble & Joshua Usher
 Fri.    5:30am -  In memory of Rose Frascatore; Special Intentions for Mr. & Mrs. Glynn Pichon
           5:30pm - In memory of George C. Price & Esther Shamon; Special Intention of Selene Mena       
 Sat.    6:00am - In memory of Marco A Bedran & William S Price; Special Intention for    Kristine Vollentine’s Mother  
7:00pm - In memory of Allan Heredia, Sr. & Hilda Marin; Special Intentions for Don Ellis IV, Sue Usher, Rose Musa, Nathan Ellis, Jane Ellen Usher, Lela Usher, Ted Burrowes, Prayer Chain & Mr. & Mrs. Glynn Pichon
Sanctuary light burns for Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Coye
Parish bulletin sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Coye

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