Sunday, June 26, 2011

Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Jesus- June 26th 2011

Happy feast of the Most Sacred Body and Blood of Jesus!

1.) Congratulations to the boys and girls who received Jesus in the Eucharist for the very first time at the 8:30 am Mass. Many thanks to Mrs. Alejandrina Burns for preparing them.
2.) Holy Redeemer Banquet to be held on July 2, 2011 Holy Redeemer parish hall, 7:00pm. Food, entertainment, prizes; ticket is $50.00 each.
3.) Please be generous for the Peter’s Pence collection this weekend.
4.) Young Men’s Vocation week to be held from July 4-8 at Santa Familia Centre in Santa Elena Cayo. Young men of our parish are cordially invited to participate, contact any parish priest for further details. Also the Young Women’s Vocation week will be held July 11-15 at Santa Familia Centre. All young women of our parish are also invited to attend.
5.) Charismatic healing Mass to be held on Wednesday June 29th at St. Martin de Porress Church. All are welcome!

Please take note of the Summer Mass schedule effective June 27th, 2011:

Daily Morning Mass will be at 6:00 am. Evening Mass will remain at 5:30pm.
There will be no morning Mass on Saturdays during the summer, instead Communion service will be conducted. The Saturday night Mass will remain at 7:00pm.
Sunday Mass:  7:30 am- Mass, 5:30pm- Spanish Mass, 7:00pm- Mass
Notice- 6am and 8:30am will be moved as one Mass at 7:30 am on Sundays.  

Sunday collection:    Sunday June 12th, 2011

Saturday 7pm- $214.90             Sunday 6am- $282.36                  8:30am- $663.95

5:30pm- $334.53                     7:00pm- $837.50                 Total: $2233.24

                 Sunday June 19th, 2011

Saturday 7pm- $287.25            Sunday 6am- $335.96              8:30am- $747.20

5:30pm- $422.61                 7:00pm- $729.00                    Total: $2522.02

It is in giving that we receive
Mass Intentions

June 27- July 2, 2011

Mon. 6:00 am- In memory of Charles Woods Sr; Henry Charles Usher


          5:30 pm- In memory of Esther Shamon; thanksgiving


 Tues. 6:00 am- Thanksgiving to St. Jude; in memory of Mary Frascatore


5:30 pm- In memory of Enrique M. Martinez; Mazie Marshaleck


Wed. 6:00 am- In memory of James A. Waight; Marco A. Bedran; Beatrice Munoz

                         Thanksgiving to Sacred Heart of Jesus; for all the diocesan priests of Belize

          5:30 pm- In memory of Rose Frascatore; in Thanksgiving


Thurs. 6:00 am- In memory of Samuel William Price; special intention

            5:30 pm- In memory ofEugene Frascatore


Fri.  6:00 am- Intention of Chris Mena; in memory of Joshua Usher

        5:30 pm- In memory of Mr. & Mrs. D. Gonzalez; Jose & Mario Garcia


Sat. 7:00 pm - In memory of Michael Usher; Anita Burgos; Diana Cano

                        Intention of Don Ellis IV and Sue Usher
Sanctuary light burns for the intentions of Alejandrina Burns
Parish bulletin sponsored by Alejandrina Burns

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