Sunday, June 26, 2011

Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Jesus- June 26th 2011

Happy feast of the Most Sacred Body and Blood of Jesus!

1.) Congratulations to the boys and girls who received Jesus in the Eucharist for the very first time at the 8:30 am Mass. Many thanks to Mrs. Alejandrina Burns for preparing them.
2.) Holy Redeemer Banquet to be held on July 2, 2011 Holy Redeemer parish hall, 7:00pm. Food, entertainment, prizes; ticket is $50.00 each.
3.) Please be generous for the Peter’s Pence collection this weekend.
4.) Young Men’s Vocation week to be held from July 4-8 at Santa Familia Centre in Santa Elena Cayo. Young men of our parish are cordially invited to participate, contact any parish priest for further details. Also the Young Women’s Vocation week will be held July 11-15 at Santa Familia Centre. All young women of our parish are also invited to attend.
5.) Charismatic healing Mass to be held on Wednesday June 29th at St. Martin de Porress Church. All are welcome!

Please take note of the Summer Mass schedule effective June 27th, 2011:

Daily Morning Mass will be at 6:00 am. Evening Mass will remain at 5:30pm.
There will be no morning Mass on Saturdays during the summer, instead Communion service will be conducted. The Saturday night Mass will remain at 7:00pm.
Sunday Mass:  7:30 am- Mass, 5:30pm- Spanish Mass, 7:00pm- Mass
Notice- 6am and 8:30am will be moved as one Mass at 7:30 am on Sundays.  

Sunday collection:    Sunday June 12th, 2011

Saturday 7pm- $214.90             Sunday 6am- $282.36                  8:30am- $663.95

5:30pm- $334.53                     7:00pm- $837.50                 Total: $2233.24

                 Sunday June 19th, 2011

Saturday 7pm- $287.25            Sunday 6am- $335.96              8:30am- $747.20

5:30pm- $422.61                 7:00pm- $729.00                    Total: $2522.02

It is in giving that we receive
Mass Intentions

June 27- July 2, 2011

Mon. 6:00 am- In memory of Charles Woods Sr; Henry Charles Usher


          5:30 pm- In memory of Esther Shamon; thanksgiving


 Tues. 6:00 am- Thanksgiving to St. Jude; in memory of Mary Frascatore


5:30 pm- In memory of Enrique M. Martinez; Mazie Marshaleck


Wed. 6:00 am- In memory of James A. Waight; Marco A. Bedran; Beatrice Munoz

                         Thanksgiving to Sacred Heart of Jesus; for all the diocesan priests of Belize

          5:30 pm- In memory of Rose Frascatore; in Thanksgiving


Thurs. 6:00 am- In memory of Samuel William Price; special intention

            5:30 pm- In memory ofEugene Frascatore


Fri.  6:00 am- Intention of Chris Mena; in memory of Joshua Usher

        5:30 pm- In memory of Mr. & Mrs. D. Gonzalez; Jose & Mario Garcia


Sat. 7:00 pm - In memory of Michael Usher; Anita Burgos; Diana Cano

                        Intention of Don Ellis IV and Sue Usher
Sanctuary light burns for the intentions of Alejandrina Burns
Parish bulletin sponsored by Alejandrina Burns

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity- June 19th 2011   
Happy feast of the Most Holy Trinity!

1.) Many thanks to the parish council members and all those who made possible the Father’s Day Banquet held last Friday June 17th, 2011. God bless all of you!  
2.) Next Sunday is the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ. There will be a brief exposition and benediction of the Blessed Sacrament after each Mass. At , there will be a short procession of the Blessed Sacrament from the parish hall to the cathedral followed by the Spanish Mass.

Please take note of the Summer Mass schedule effective June 27th, 2011:
Daily Morning Mass will be at . Evening Mass will remain at .
There will be no morning Mass on Saturdays during the summer, instead Communion service will be conducted. The Saturday night Mass will remain at .
Sunday Mass:   Mass, Spanish Mass, Mass
Notice- and will be moved as one Mass at on Sundays.

Marriage banns- there is a promise of marriage between:
Raul Antonio Cardona and Bianca Monique Reyes, of Ladyville
Alberto Antonio Aguilar and Isela Maria Duran, both of Belize City
Mass Intentions
June 20-25, 2011
Mon. In memory of Maria Noel; Henry Charles Usher
          In memory of  Enrique M. Martinez; Michael Usher
Tues. In memory of John Woods Waight; Mary Frascatore
Special intention of Thanksgiving; intention of Sue Usher
Wed. In memory of Sr. Vivian Dekerlegand, msc; Marco Bedran
          special intention of thanksgiving; in memory of Mazie Marshaleck
Thurs. In memory of Lorena Castellanos; Rafael Castellanos; Samuel W. price
            In memory of Rose Frascatore; special intention    
Fri.  In memory of Joshua Usher; intention to Sacred Heart of Jesus
         Special intention; in memory of Eugene Frascatore
Sat. 6:00 am- Intention of Don EllisIV and Sue Usher
        Intention of Don EllisIV and Sue Usher
Sanctuary light burns for the intentions of Daphne Mena & sons
Parish bulletin sponsored by Daphne Mena & sons

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Bulletin for Sunday June 12th

Sunday June 12th, 2011- Solemnity of Pentecost

Happy feast of Pentecost!
 Hispanic Charismatic Convention, Sunday June 12, Holy Redeemer parish hall, starting at . Holy Mass at .
Pentecost day celebration at Palloti tennis court, starting at 8am, Holy Mass will be at .

1.) We congratulate Father Jordan Gongora on his second anniversary of ordination to the Holy Priesthood, on this day, June 12. May God the Holy Spirit guide and inspire him.
2.) A Father’s Day Banquet will be held on Friday June 17th, 2011 at Holy Redeemer parish hall, starts at , for $60 a ticket, and includes dinner, desserts, drinks. There will be entertainment and prizes.
3.) We are very grateful to those parishioners who contributed in this year’s Diocesan Development Fund. We have met our goal! In the future, please submit all contributions to the parish so that we can keep a record. God bless us abundantly!
4.) Reminder: Ladies wearing lip-stick, please do not receive from the Cup during Communion, since it stains the purificators. Thank you!

Please take note of the Summer Mass schedule effective June 27th, 2011:
Daily Morning Mass will be at . Evening Mass will remain at .
There will be no morning Mass on Saturdays during the summer, instead Communion service will be conducted. The Saturday night Mass will remain at .
Sunday Mass:   Mass, Spanish Mass, Mass
Notice- and will be moved as one Mass at on Sundays.

Marriage banns- there is a promise of marriage between:
Raul Antonio Cardona and Bianca Monique Reyes, of Ladyville
Alberto Antonio Aguilar and Isela Maria Duran, both of Belize City

Sunday collection:    Sunday June 5th, 2011
Saturday 7pm- $465.50        Sunday 6am- $140.75     8:30am- $723.12
5:30pm- $419.73      7:00pm- $471.22             Total: $2220.32
It is in giving that we receive…many thanks for your support!!
Mass Intentions
June 13- 18, 2011
Mon. In memory of Sr. Mary Mahnoy msc; in memory of Fr. Rene Gomez
                          Charles Henry Usher
          In memory of Sr. Marcela LeBlanc, msc; Clive Rivers    
Tues. In memory of Joyce Dorman; Cliver Rivers; Michael Usher  
In memory of Marilyn Rolfes; intention of Sue Usher  
Wed. In thanksgiving to Sacred Heart of Jesus; in memory of Marco Bedran   
          In memory of Sr. Colette Guidry, msc; Mazie Marshalleck
Thurs. In memory of Sr. Marie Bruno, msc; Samuel W. Price
            In memory of Elmerr Sensant; Mary Frascatore       
Fri.  In memory of Thomas Brosnhan; Joshua Usher; intention of Don Ellis IV
         Special intention of Joel Pou; in memory of Eva Bradley; Eugene Frascatore
Sat. In memory of Santiago Castillo Sr; intention of Don Ellis IV
         In memory of Rudolph Castillo Sr.
Sanctuary light burns for the intentions of Marion Slusher
Parish bulletin sponsored by Marion Slusher

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Sunday bulletin

Parish bulletin for Sunday June 5th 2011- Solemnity of the Ascension of Our Lord

Happy feast of the Ascension of Jesus to heaven!

1.) A Father’s Day Banquet will be held on Friday June 17th, 2011 at Holy Redeemer parish hall, starts at , for $60 a ticket, and includes dinner, desserts, drinks. There will be entertainment and prizes.
2.) All are invited to the Hispanic Catholic Charismatic Convention, on the feast of Pentecost, to be held on Sunday June 12, 2011 at Holy Redeemer parish hall starting at . Guest Speakers from El Salvador. Holy Mass will be at .
3.) There will be a celebration on the feast of Pentecost on June 12 at Palloti tennis court starting at ending with a Charismatic healing Mass at .
4.) We are very grateful to those parishioners who contributed in this year’s Diocesan Development Fund. We have met our goal! In the future, please submit all contributions to the parish so that we can keep a record. God bless us abundantly!
5.) Reminder: Ladies wearing lip stick please do not receive from the Cup during Communion, since it stains the purificators. Thank you!

Please take note of the Summer Mass schedule effective June 27th, 2011:
Daily Morning Mass will be at . Evening Mass will remain at .
There will be no morning Mass on Saturdays during the summer, instead Communion service will be conducted. The Saturday night Mass will remain at .
Sunday Mass:   Mass, Spanish Mass, Mass
Notice- and will be moved as one Mass at on Sundays.

Marriage banns- there is a promise of marriage between:
Raul Antonio Cardona and Bianca Monique Reyes, of Ladyville
Alberto Antonio Aguilar and Isela Maria Duran, booth of Belize City

Sunday collection:    Sunday May 29th, 2011
Saturday 7pm- $409.50         Sunday 6am- $305.75      8:30am- $296.75
5:30pm- $191.88      7:00pm- $997.90              Total: $2201.78
It is in giving that we receive…many thanks for your support!!
Many thanks to the following persons for contributing to the Diocesan Development Fund 2011:
In loving memory of: Mrs. Jean Sanchez, Lorenzo Sanchez, Henryc Charles Usher, Michael Usher, Joshua Usher, William Samuel Price, Joe Downs. Mrs. Jane Usher; Mr. Clement Usher; Nanette Monroe; Most Rev. Charles Dufour, DD; Rose Kidder, the McRae family; Mr. James Froehlich and family; Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Peter & family; Mr. & Mrs. William J. Hoch; Mrs. M.J. Down; Mrs. Barbara Reith; Mr. Raymond B. Thiesen III; Mrs. Addy Castillo; Ms Elsi Torroes, Mrs Lourdes Alamina; Mr Esmeralda Almendarez; Mrs Suzette Arzu; Mr Jorge Ayala; Ms Janell Banner; Ms Nicholette Bradley; Mrs Regina Cab; Mr Ryan Cadle; Mr Germaine Cal; Ms Yvette Castro; Mrs Carmita Cruz; Ms Fidelia Cuellar; Mrs Araceli Drury; Mrs Angelica Fabro; Mrs Crystal Flowers; Ms Maritza Guerra; Mrs Viola Herrera; Mrs Molly Hullett; Ms Sherlette Jones; Mrs Rhondene Kelly; Mrs Lilia Lanza; Mrs Rhonda Major; Mr Phillip Murray; Mrs Marta Matute; Ms Lidia Miranda; Mr Emmanuel Odin; Mrs Karen Pakeman; Ms Edsion Rodriguez; Ms Naomi Robinson; Ms Teresita Sanchez; Ms Sherilan Sutherland; Mrs Yolanda Sutherland; Mrs Ordet Swift; Mr Dennis Thompson; Ms Leticia Waight; Mrs Sylvia Welch; Mrs Ana Wong; Mrs Delcy Young; Mr Faron Young; Mrs Dominga Teck; Ms Marieli Moh; Ms Ashley Meighan, Ms Janine Parchue and students from Holy Redeemer Primary School.
Goal- $8,000.00   total collected- $8000.00     balance- $0000.00
Mass Intentions
June 6-11, 2011
Mon. In memory of Fr. Thomas Perrier OSB; Henry Charles Usher
                          Intention of Farid Awe and family
          In memory of Bertha Brown, Michael Usher; int. of Farid Awe & family   
Tues. In memory of JB Hanks; Mary Frascatore; intention of Farid Awe & family
               In memory of Fr. Rene Gomez
In memory of Mr. & Mrs D. Gonzalez; Sandra Lindo
Wed. In memory of Sr. Catherine Maria Murray msc; Marco Bedran
                         In memory of Fr. Rene Gomez
          In memory of Estelle Hebert and Mazie Marshalleck
Thurs. In memory of Bernice Marix and Samuel William Price
            In memory of Ernestina Rodriguez; Rose Frascatore       
Fri.  In memory of Angelia Herbert; Joshua Usher; intention of Don Ellis IV
         In memory of Sr. Genevieve Diebold, msc; Eugene Frascatore
Sat. Special intention of Joseph and Consuelo Jex; intention for Curtis Musa
        In memory of Sandra Lund; intention of Don Ellis IV
Sanctuary light burns for the intentions of Eleanor Gillett
Parish bulletin sponsored by Eleanor Gillett