Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday bulletin

Sunday bulletin announcements- April 3, 2011- 4th Sunday in Lent

LENT 2011- pray, fast and give alms…

Every Friday in Lent we will pray the Way of the Cross immediately following the Mass inside the Cathedral.

1.) Parishioners are invited to participate in this year’s Diocesan Development Fund collection. Please be kind in contributing to this collection. Thank you!
2.) Congratulations to the boys and girls from Holy Redeemer School, they will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation this Sunday April 3. May the Holy Spirit inspire and guide them!    
3.)  Tuesday April 12, Lenten Penance service following evening Mass at .
4.) Confessions are available every Friday in Lent starting at ; also on Sundays of Lent at for our Spanish speaking parishioners.  

Marriage banns: There is a promise of marriage between:
Conway Simeon Bahadur and Celeste Roxanna Kumul, both of Ladyville
Alexander Giovani Fuentes and Janelle Alicia Reyes, both of Burrel Boom

Sunday collection:    Sunday March 27th, 2011
Saturday 7pm- $482.25          Sunday 6am- $306.65       8:30am- $489.00
5:30pm- $460.30        7:00pm- $1092.50              Total: $2830.70
Mass Intentions
April 4-9, 2011
Mon. Thanksgiving to Our Lady of Guadalupe; In memory of Hnery Charles Usher
                        Int. of Chris Mena; in memory of Mazie Marshalleek
          Int. of Chris Mena, to St. Jude; in memory of Eugene Frascatore

Tues. In memory of Antonia Andrews; Joshua Usher; Mazie Marshalleek
In memory of Francisco Cano Sr.; Mary Frascatore
Wed. In memory of Michael Usher; Eugene & mary Frascatore;
                         In memory of Mazie Marshalleek
          In memory of Antonia Andrews; Lucy Gioquinto

Thurs. In memory of Rose Frascatore; Henry Charles Usher                             
  In memory of Mr. & Mrs. D. Gonzalez; Esther Shamon; Mazie Marshalleek
                 Intention of Ryan Jex;
Fri.  In memory of Santiago Castillo Sr.; Joshua Usher  
        In memory of Esther Shamon; Mazie Marshalleek

Sat. In memory of Santiago Castillo Sr.; Michael Usher  
            In memory of Allan Heredia Sr.
Sanctuary light burns for the intention of Chris Mena
Parish bulletin sponsored by:  Chris Mena 

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