Saturday, April 23, 2011

Parish bulletin

Sunday of the Resurrection of Our Lord - April 24th, 2011   
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!!!
A Blessed, happy and safe Easter to all our parishioners,
from Fr. Oliver J. Smalls Jr. and Fr. Jordan E. Gongora

1.) Morning Mass on Monday April 25th will be at , there will no evening Mass.
2.) Parishioners are invited to participate in this year’s Diocesan Development Fund collection. Please be kind in contributing to this collection. Please write cheques payable to Holy Redeemer Cathedral. Thank you!
3.)  We are grateful to Bishop Dorick Wright for celebrating the Easter Triduum at the Cathedral.
4.) Many thanks to the parish council members and the members of the various committees for their hard work towards the Holy week celebrations. Thanks to the choir, organist, and those who contributed to the social, for making the Holy week spirit filled!
5.) Congratulations to Holy Redeemer school band for winning the band fest!

Many thanks to the following persons who donated flowers and the new candle holders:
Mrs. Trinidad Smith and family, for donating flowers.
Mr. & Mrs. Prakash Gidwani & family, donated candle holder in memory of Mr. & Mrs. Victoriano Nal
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Musa Sr & family, donated candle holder in memory of Mr. & Mrs. Sunt Trumbach
To the Tam family, donating candle holder in memory of Lucio Tam and Luis Rene Tam.

Sunday collection:    Sunday April 17th, 2011
Saturday 7pm- $479.92          Sunday 6am- $554.13      8:30am- $628.60
5:30pm- $612.60     7:00pm- $949.35              Total: $3224.90
It is in giving that we receive…many thanks for your support!!
Many thanks to the following persons for contributing to the Diocesan Development Fund 2011:
Ms. Katherine Price; the Rt. Hon. Emeritus George Price; Ms. Sheila M. Ambrosino; Enrique Martinez & Sons Ltd; Mr. & Mrs. B. Domingo; Mrs. Anita Palma; Mrs. Louise Hoy; Mr. & Mrs. Richard Coye; Mr. & Mrs. Jose & Anne Hoare; Mr. & Mrs. Pat Andrews & family; in memory of Antonia Andrews. Mr. Ernesto Torres; Mr. & Mrs. Edward and Rose Musa and family; Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Coye and family; Mr. & Mrs. Jorge McField; Ms. Aethea Sealy; Ms. Louise Maldonado; Mrs. Marie Gardener; Mr. & Mrs. Fernando and Maria Coye; Mr. & Mrs. B. Dominguez; Ms. Dolores Gray; Mr. Donahue Young; A. Flores; Christine Vellos; Linda Alpuche; Aurora Ford; Maria Auild; Margarita Martinez; Beryl Godoy; Evlin Sanchez; Carmen B.; Concepcion Mejia; Teresa Rodriguez; La familia Saravia; Dr. Joel Cervantes; Silvia Maribel; Esmeralda Moralez y familia; Lourdes Manzanero; Santos; Reina Saravia; Leodan Saravia; Alfonso Escalante y familia; Mr. & Mrs. Luis Alpuche; Juan Lemus; Mraia Elena Grijalda; mrs. Mary Yorke J.P.; Laura Alvarado; Alejandra Enamorado; Maria Zabaneh , Eleanor Gillett; and 9 donors…
Goal- $8,000.00   total collected- $4960.00     balance- $3040.00
Mass Intentions
April 25-30, 2011
Mon. In memory of Samuel William Price;  Intention of Don Ellis IV
                        In memory of Melchora Avila; intention to Senor de Esquipulas
Tues. In memory of Mazie Marshalleek; intention of Don Ellis IV
               Thanksgiving for SCA class of 64
In memory of Eugene Frascatore; intention to St. Jude
               Special intention to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Wed. In memory of Henry Charles Usher; intention of Don Ellis IV
          – Special intention to St. Martin; in memory of Mary Frascatore
Thurs. In memory of Michael Usher; intention of Don Ellis IV; int. to St. Jude
            In memory of Bilo Encalada; in memory of Rose Frascatore                              
Fri.  In memory of James A. Waight; Joshua Usher; int. of Samira Pott
        In memory of John Henry Blanco; Lucy Giaquinto; Thelma Williams      
Sat. 6:00 am-Intention to Our Lady of Guadalupe; In memory of Samuel W. Price
        In memory of Esther Shamon; intention of Don Ellis IV
Sanctuary light burns for the intention of Tam family
Parish bulletin sponsored by: Tam family

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Parish bulletin

Sunday bulletin for April 17th 2011- Palm Sunday

1.) There will be no evening Mass on Wednesday April 20, but all are welcome to the Chrism Mass at . Also, there will be no morning Mass on Holy Thursday April 21.
2.) Parishioners are invited to participate in this year’s Diocesan Development Fund collection. Please be kind in contributing to this collection. Please write cheques payable to Holy Redeemer Cathedral. Thank you!
3.) There will be an Ecumenical Service at St. John’s Cathedral on Good Friday at .
4.) Many thanks to the donor who financially contributed to the renovation of the Cathedral choir loft.
Sunday collection:    Sunday April 10th, 2011
Saturday 7pm- $521.00          Sunday 6am- $422.50      8:30am- $852.32
5:30pm- $360.75       7:00pm- $1051.01              Total: $3297.58
It is in giving that we receive…many thanks for your support!!

Holy Week Schedule 2011
Sunday April 17, 2011- Palm Sunday, regular Sunday Masses
Tuesday April 19, 2011- Lenten Prayer Service- 6:00 PM
Wednesday April 20, 2011- Chrism Mass- 6:00 PM
April 21, 2011- Holy Thursday- Mass of the Lord’s Supper,
                          Adoration following Mass until
April 22, 2011- Good Friday:
                          10:00 AM- Confessions
                          1:30 PM- Divine Mercy Novena
                          Sermon on the Seven Last Words of Jesus
                          Celebration of the Lord’s Passion-  
                                  Veneration of the Cross
            followed by the Stations of the Cross through the streets.
                          Stations of the Cross in Spanish
April 23, 2011- Holy Saturday- 7:00 PM- Easter Vigil
April 24, 2011- Easter Sunday: Mass; Mass; Spanish Mass
                          Notice- There will be NO 7:00 pm Mass on Sunday April 24, 2011.

Many thanks to the following persons for contributing to the Diocesan Development Fund 2011:
Ms. Katherine Price; the Rt. Hon. Emeritus George Price; Ms. Sheila M. Ambrosino; Enrique Martinez & Sons Ltd; Mr. & Mrs. B. Domingo; Mrs. Anita Palma; Mrs. Louise Hoy; Mr. & Mrs. Richard Coye; Mr. & Mrs. Jose & Anne Hoare; Mr. & Mrs. Pat Andrews & family; in memory of Antonia Andrews. Mr. Ernesto Torres; Mr. & Mrs. Edward and  Rose Musa and family; Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Coye and family; Mr. & Mrs. Jorge McField; Ms. Aethea Sealy; Ms. Louise Maldonado; Mrs. Marie Gardener; Mr. & Mrs. Fernando and Maria Coye; Mr. & Mrs. B. Dominguez; Ms. Dolores Gray; Mr. Donahue Young; A. Flores; Christine Vellos; Alejandra Enamorado.
Goal- $8,000.00   total collected- $4202.00
Mass Intentions
April 18-20, 2011
Mon. In memory of Santiago Castillo Sr; Mazie Marshaleek; Henry Charles Usher
                        Intention of Don Ellis IV; in memory of Eugene Frascatore
          In memory of Patrick Jones Rosado; John Watton; Rose Frascatore
                        Intention of Don Ellis IV and Petie Matus

Tues. In memory of Keith Kevin Swift; Michael Usher; Mary Frascatore
               Intention of Don Ellis IV
In memory of Rudolph Castillo Sr; Esther Shamon; Jerry Nisbet
               Intention of Dana Staine; Petie Matus and Don Ellis IV  
Wed. In memory of Joshua Usher; Enrique M. Martinez; Lucy Giaquinto
                        In memory of Amalia Trumbach;
  Intention of- Don Ellis IV; Petie Matus           

Thurs. Holy Thursday                           
Fri.  Good Friday  
Sat. Easter Vigil  

Sanctuary light burns for the intention of Jane Coye
Parish bulletin sponsored by: Jane Coye and family

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sunday bulletin

Parish bulletin for Sunday April 10, 2011- Fifth Sunday in Lent


LENT 2011- pray, fast and give alms…
Every Friday in Lent we will pray the Way of the Cross immediately following the Mass inside the Cathedral.
1.) CHRP Women’s retreat to be held on April 16th and 17th at Our Lady of Guadalupe Spiritual Life Centre. Women of our parish are cordially invited.
2.) Parishioners are invited to participate in this year’s Diocesan Development Fund collection. Please be kind in contributing to this collection. Please write cheques payable to Holy Redeemer Cathedral. Thank you!
3.) Please take note of our Holy Week schedule.
Marriage banns: There is a promise of marriage between:
Conway Simeon Bahadur and Celeste Roxanna Kumul, both of Ladyville
Alexander Giovani Fuentes and Janelle Alicia Reyes, both of Burrel Boom

Sunday collection:    Sunday April 3rd, 2011
Saturday 7pm- $364.51          Sunday 6am- $297.50       8:30am- $865.53
5:30pm- $439.37       7:00pm- $1016.60              Total: $2983.51
It is in giving that we receive…many thanks for your support!!

Holy Week Schedule 2011
Tuesday April 12, 2011- Lenten Penance Service- 6:00 PM
Friday April 15, 2011- Video presentation on the Way of the Cross- 6:00 PM
Sunday April 17, 2011- Palm Sunday, regular Sunday Masses
Tuesday April 19, 2011- Lenten Prayer Service- 6:00 PM
Wednesday April 20, 2011- Chrism Mass- 6:00 PM
April 21, 2011- Holy Thursday- Mass of the Lord’s Supper,
                          Adoration following Mass until
April 22, 2011- Good Friday:
                          10:00 AM- Confessions
                          1:30 PM- Divine Mercy Novena
                          Sermon on the Seven Last Words of Jesus
                          3:00 PM- Celebration of the Lord’s Passion- Veneration of the Cross
                           followed by the Stations of the Cross through the streets.
                          Stations of the Cross in Spanish
April 23, 2011- Holy Saturday- 7:00 PM- Easter Vigil
April 24, 2011- Easter Sunday: Mass; Mass; Spanish Mass
                          Notice- There will be NO 7:00 pm Mass on Sunday April 24, 2011.
Many thanks to the following persons for contributing to the Diocesan Development Fund 2011:
Ms. Katherine Price; the Rt. Hon. Emeritus George Price; Ms. Sheila M. Ambrosino; Enrique Martinez & Sons Ltd; Mr. & Mrs. B. Domingo; Mrs. Anita Palma; Mrs. Louise Hoy; Mr. & Mrs. Richard Coye; Mr. & Mrs. Jose & Anne Hoare; Mr. & Mrs. Pat Andrews & family; in memory of Antonia Andrews.
Mass Intentions
April 11-16, 2011
Mon. In memory of Santiago Castillo Sr; Mazie Marshalleek;
                        Intention of Petie Matus
          In memory of Eugene Frascatore; Joshua Usher

Tues. In memory of Santiago Castillo Sr; Eugene Frascotore;
           Thanksgiving by Norma Masson                           
In memory of Ralph Fonseca Jr; Virgil Cooper; int. of Petie Matus
Wed. In memory of Santiago Castillo Sr; Mary Frascatore; int. of Petie Matus
          In memory of William Pou Sr; Virgil Cooper

Thurs. In memory of Santiago Castillo Sr.                    
  In memory of Henry Charles Usher; Lucy Giaquinto; int. of Petie Matus
                 Intention of Ryan Jex;
Fri.  In memory of Santiago Castillo Sr.; intention of Petie Matus
        In memory of Shahida Estephan; Esther Shamon

Sat. In memory of Santiago Castillo Sr.; intention of Petie Matus
            In memory of Michael Usher
Sanctuary light burns in memory of Captain Virgil Cooper
Parish bulletin sponsored in memory of Captain Virgil Cooper

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday bulletin

Sunday bulletin announcements- April 3, 2011- 4th Sunday in Lent

LENT 2011- pray, fast and give alms…

Every Friday in Lent we will pray the Way of the Cross immediately following the Mass inside the Cathedral.

1.) Parishioners are invited to participate in this year’s Diocesan Development Fund collection. Please be kind in contributing to this collection. Thank you!
2.) Congratulations to the boys and girls from Holy Redeemer School, they will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation this Sunday April 3. May the Holy Spirit inspire and guide them!    
3.)  Tuesday April 12, Lenten Penance service following evening Mass at .
4.) Confessions are available every Friday in Lent starting at ; also on Sundays of Lent at for our Spanish speaking parishioners.  

Marriage banns: There is a promise of marriage between:
Conway Simeon Bahadur and Celeste Roxanna Kumul, both of Ladyville
Alexander Giovani Fuentes and Janelle Alicia Reyes, both of Burrel Boom

Sunday collection:    Sunday March 27th, 2011
Saturday 7pm- $482.25          Sunday 6am- $306.65       8:30am- $489.00
5:30pm- $460.30        7:00pm- $1092.50              Total: $2830.70
Mass Intentions
April 4-9, 2011
Mon. Thanksgiving to Our Lady of Guadalupe; In memory of Hnery Charles Usher
                        Int. of Chris Mena; in memory of Mazie Marshalleek
          Int. of Chris Mena, to St. Jude; in memory of Eugene Frascatore

Tues. In memory of Antonia Andrews; Joshua Usher; Mazie Marshalleek
In memory of Francisco Cano Sr.; Mary Frascatore
Wed. In memory of Michael Usher; Eugene & mary Frascatore;
                         In memory of Mazie Marshalleek
          In memory of Antonia Andrews; Lucy Gioquinto

Thurs. In memory of Rose Frascatore; Henry Charles Usher                             
  In memory of Mr. & Mrs. D. Gonzalez; Esther Shamon; Mazie Marshalleek
                 Intention of Ryan Jex;
Fri.  In memory of Santiago Castillo Sr.; Joshua Usher  
        In memory of Esther Shamon; Mazie Marshalleek

Sat. In memory of Santiago Castillo Sr.; Michael Usher  
            In memory of Allan Heredia Sr.
Sanctuary light burns for the intention of Chris Mena
Parish bulletin sponsored by:  Chris Mena