Monday, February 14, 2011

Sunday bulletin announcements

Sunday February 13, 2011- Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

NOTICE- Effective March 1st, 2011 Mass intention contribution at Holy Redeemer Cathedral parish will now be $10.00.

1.) Congratulations to our boys and girls from Std III, Holy Redeemer School, they received First Holy Communion on Sunday February 13th.
2.) There will be a second collection the following weekend for the St. Vincent de Paul society. Please be generous and contribute to the good works of the society.
3.) Many thanks to our parishioners who contributed in the can-food drive held by the St. Vincent de Paul Society last December. You can still contribute to this worthy cause.
4.) There will be a Charismatic Mass (in English) on Thursday February 17th at in the Cathedral. All are welcome!
5.) The team from New York will be in our parish on Sunday February 13th. They will be doing much needed repairs at the parish school. Let us pray for them and their generous work.
6.) First Holy Communion and Confirmation classes for those children who attend non-Catholic primary school is being offered every Saturday in the meeting room behind the cathedral.

Sunday collection:    Sunday Febraury 6th 2011
Saturday 7pm- $816.40           Sunday 6am- $427.55        8:30am- $1011.76
5:30pm- $431.30          7:00pm- $705.12                Total: $3392.13

Mass Intentions
February 14-19, 2011
Mon. For healing of Rita Burgos    
                     Special intention to St. Cyril and Methodius  

Tues. In memory of Antonio Habet
530 pm- Special int. of Yolanda Matute; in memory of Mark Gallaffy   

Wed. In memory of Darlene Bougly; James A Waight  
          In memory of Ena Castillo

Thurs. For all the souls in purgatory
For healing of Rita Burgos
Fri.  In memory of Santiago Castillo Sr.; in memory of bro. & sister Heredia   
          In memory of Boutros Bou Nahra

Sat. For healing of Rita Burgos; in memory of Damiana & Marcelino Heredia   
            In memory of Oscar Ayuso Jr.; Damiana Heredia
Sanctuary light burns for the intentions of: John Jaramillo
  Parish bulletin sponsored by: Mr. & Mrs. John Jaramillo & family

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