Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas day bulletin

Solemnity of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus- December 25th, 2011
Blessed and merry Christmas to all of our dear parishioners, from Father Oliver J. Smalls Jr. and Father Jordan E. Gongora.
New Year Mass Schedule:
December 31st, 2011: 9:00 PM- Mass, 11:00Pm- Mass
January 1st 2012: 6:30 AM- Mass; 8:30 AM- Mass
There will be NO evening Mass on Sunday January 1st 2012.
1.) There will be no evening Mass on Monday January 2, 2012; morning Mass will be at 6:00am.
2.) Feast of the Holy Family will be celebrated this year on Friday December 30th, come to Mass as a family.
3.) Novena to Nuestro Senor de Esquipulas begins on January 7, 2012. Contact Maria 621-9640 or Eleanor at 601-6667 for intentions.
4.) Many thanks to the persons who donated poinsettias, floral arrangements, and helped clean and decorate the Cathedral for the Christmas season. God bless you always!  
Sunday collection:    Sunday December 18th, 2011
Saturday 7:00 pm - $362.00          Sunday 6:00 am - $231.05      8:30am - $399.65  
5:30pm - $321.39   7:00pm - $444.25    Total: $1758.34
 It is in giving that we receive…many thanks for your support!!”
Mass Intentions
December 25th to 31st, 2011
Sun. 6:00am -  In memory of Mrs. Estelle Monsanto   
        8:30 am - In memory of B. J. Robinson,  
Special Intentions  for Rose Musa, Nathan Ellis, Don Ellis IV, Sue Usher, Jane Ellen Usher, Lela Usher, Ted Burrowes, Prayer Chain & Mr. & Mrs. Glynn Pichon
Mon. 6:00am - In memory of Simeon Pollak, Christine Nigro, George C. Price, Cruzita Blanco
                In memory of deceased members of Price family      
Tues. 6:00am - In memory of Henry Charles Usher, Carol Froelich, Joshua Usher,
                         In thanksgiving to Blessed Virgin Mary; holy guardian angels  
                         Special intention St. Jude
Wed. 5:30am - In memory of Esther Shamon, Mary Frascatore, Christine Nigro, Bourtros Bou Nahra,
          5:30pm - In memory of John Frascatore, Lucy Gia Quinto, int. to Blessed Trinity
Thurs. 5:30am - In memory of James A. Waight; Esther Shamon; Mazie Marshaleck
           5:30pm - In memory of Joshua Usher; thanksgiving to holy archangels
 Fri.    5:30am - In memory of Rose Frascatore; intention to Sacred Heart, int. of Glyn Pichon  
           5:30pm - In memory of George C. Price, Esther Shamon
Sat.    6:00am - In memory of Marco A Bedran, William S Price, special Intention for Kristine Vollentine’s Mother  
7:00pm - Special Intentions for Don Ellis IV, Sue Usher, Rose Musa, Nathan Ellis, Jane Ellen Usher, Lela Usher, Ted Burrowes, Prayer Chain & Mr. & Mrs. Glynn Pichon
Sanctuary light burns for Special Intention of Joseph Habet Jr.
Parish bulletin sponsored for the intention of Joseph Habet Jr.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Sunday bulletin

Third Sunday in Advent- December 11th, 2011   
1.) All are invited to a special Mass in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Mon. Dec. 12 at St. Martin de Porres Church at 7:00pm.
2.) Advent Penance Service on Thurs. Dec. 15th, 2011 at 6:00 pm after the evening Mass. Prepare that special place in your heart for the Divine Messiah to be born.
3.) Thanks to all who visited & prayed for Fr. Jordan Gongora while hospitalized, attended the Dennis Grady Concert, helped/donated in any way to make the Holy Redeemer Christmas Bazaar a success & to the students for participating in the mass for the 24th anniversary to the priesthood for our dear Pastor/Administrator Rev. Fr. Oliver J. Smalls, Jr. ..Congratulations, his anniversary is today!  
4.) Belize Choral Society Christmas Concerts: Sat. Dec. 17th, 8:00 p.m. Holy Redeemer Parish Hall & Sun. Dec. 18th, 3:00 p.m.  St.  John’s Cathedral.
5.) Items for the Can Food Drive for St. Vincent de Paul Society can be dropped off at the Presbytery Office or at the different Masses.         
6.) Contact the parish office if you would like to donate poinsettias to decorate our church for Christmas. You can donate in memory of a deceased love one.
Sunday collection:    Sunday December 4th, 2011
Saturday 7:00 pm - $ 139.25      Sunday 6:00 am - $ 143.30      8:30am - $ 440.40
5:30pm - $ 422.10              7:00pm - $ 661.25        Total: $1,806.30
                   It is in giving that we receive…many thanks for your support!!”
 Promise of Marriage between Ethan Karsten Gough & Cyndi Wendy Perez; Kenneth Alejandro Perez & Andrea Nicole Gill; Adam Borger & Bonita Thibault of Naperville, Illinois

Mass Intentions
December 11th- 17th, 2011
Sun.  6:00am  -  In memory of Mrs. Estelle Monsanto   
 7:00pm  -  Special Intentions  for Rose Musa, Nathan Ellis, Don Ellis IV, Sue Usher,      Jane Ellen Usher, Lela Usher, Ted Burrowes, Prayer Chain & Mr. & Mrs.   Glynn Pichon
Mon. 5:30am -  In memory of Simeon Pollak, Christine Nigro, & George C. Price
5:30pm -   In memory of Evelyn Deeks, Mazie Marshalleck & Lucy Gia Quinto
                 Thanksgiving to Our Lady of Guadalupe & St. Benedict
Tues. 5:30am -  In memory of  Henry Charles Usher, Carol Froelich & Joshua Usher            Thanksgiving to Our Lady of Guadalupe     
          5:30pm -  In memory of John Frascatore & Enrique M. Martinez
                          Special intentions for Kristie Vollentine’s Mother & Joseph Jex
Wed.  5:30am - In memory of Esther Shamon, Mary Frascatore & Christine Nigro,
           5:30pm - In memory of Eugene Frascatore & Lucy Gia Quinto
Thurs. 5:30am - In memory of Esther Shamon; Special Intention for Ted Burrowes  
           5:30pm - In memory of Sarita Marin Noble & Joshua Usher
 Fri.    5:30am -  In memory of Rose Frascatore; Special Intentions for Mr. & Mrs. Glynn Pichon
           5:30pm - In memory of George C. Price & Esther Shamon; Special Intention of Selene Mena       
 Sat.    6:00am - In memory of Marco A Bedran & William S Price; Special Intention for    Kristine Vollentine’s Mother  
7:00pm - In memory of Allan Heredia, Sr. & Hilda Marin; Special Intentions for Don Ellis IV, Sue Usher, Rose Musa, Nathan Ellis, Jane Ellen Usher, Lela Usher, Ted Burrowes, Prayer Chain & Mr. & Mrs. Glynn Pichon
Sanctuary light burns for Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Coye
Parish bulletin sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Coye

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Parish bulletin

Second Sunday in Advent- December 4th, 2011   
1.) Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena begins on Sun., Dec. 4, 2011. Contact Eleanor Gillett at 601-6667 or Maria Vasquez at 621-9640 for Mass Intentions.
2.) Belize Choral Society Christmas Concerts: Sat. Dec. 17th, 8:00 p.m. Holy Redeemer Parish Hall & Sun. Dec. 18th, 3:00 p.m.  St.  John’s Cathedral.
3.) Advent Penance Service to be held on Thurs. Dec. 15th, 2011 at 6:00 pm after the evening Mass. Prepare that special place in your heart for the Divine Messiah to be born.
4.) A 2nd. collection will be taken up on Dec. 18th by the St. Vincent de Paul Society. A Can Food Drive is now underway. Items can be dropped off at the Presbytery Office or at the different Masses. Thanks to all who have helped SSVP.
5.) Kindly give generously by donating poinsettias to decorate our church for Christmas.  You can donate in memory of a deceased love one. Contact the office.                                         
6.) Denis Grady & the Stone Rejected Band will perform a religious concert on Fri. Dec. 9th at 7pm, all are invited, and the concert is free!

Sunday collection:    Sunday, November 27th, 2011
Saturday 7:00 pm - $491.75          Sunday 6:00 am - $88.75       8:30am - $ 662.10 
5:30pm - $ 318.93                  7:00pm - $719.35          Total: $2,280.88
                   It is in giving that we receive…many thanks for your support!!”

There is a Promise of Marriage between Ethan Karsten Gough & Cyndi Wendy Perez and Kenneth Alejandro Perez & Andrea Nicole Gill.
Mass Intentions
December 4th- 10th, 2011
Sun. 6:00am -  In memory of Mrs. Estelle Monsanto   
        7:00pm -  In memory of B. J. Robinson,  
 Special Intentions  for Rose Musa, Nathan Ellis, Don Ellis IV, Sue Usher, Jane Ellen Usher, Lela Usher, Ted Burrowes, Prayer Chain & Mr. & Mrs. Glynn Pichon
Mon. 5:30am - In memory of Simeon Pollak, Christine Nigro, Keith Swift & George C. Price
5:30pm - In memory of Mazie Marshalleck, Lucy Gia Quinto, Emma Urbina &                Clemente & Pinita Espejo
Tues. 5:30am - In memory of  Henry Charles Usher, Carol Froelich, Joshua Usher,
                         Christine Nigro & Keith Swift     
         5:30pm - In memory of John Frascatore, Emma Urbina & Clemente & Pinita Espejo
                         Special intention for Kristie Vollentine’s Mother
Wed. 5:30am - In memory of Esther Shamon, Mary Frascatore, Christine Nigro, Emma   Urbina & Clemente & Pinita Espejo
          5:30pm - In memory of Eugene Frascatore, Lucy Gia Quinto & Mr. & Mrs. D. Gonzales
Thurs. 5:30am - In memory of Esther Shamon & Keith Swift; Special Intention for Ted Burrowes  
           5:30pm - In memory of Joshua Usher, Emma Urbina & Clemente & Pinita Espejo
 Fri.    5:30am - In memory of Rose Frascatore & Lottie Waight
           5:30pm - In memory of George C. Price, Esther Shamon, Emma Urbina & Clemente &        
                           Pinita Espejo
Sat.    6:00am - In memory of Marco A Bedran, William S Price, Keith Swift; Special Intention for Kristine Vollentine’s Mother  
7:00pm - In memory of Clemente & Pinita Espejo, Emma Urbina; Special Intentions for Don Ellis IV, Sue Usher, Rose Musa, Nathan Ellis, Jane Ellen Usher, Lela Usher, Ted Burrowes, Prayer Chain & Mr. & Mrs. Glynn Pichon
Sanctuary light burns for Special Intention of Tam Family
Parish bulletin sponsored by Tam Family

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Sunday bulletin

First Sunday in Advent- November 27th, 2011
Christmas Bazaar- Saturday December 3rd, 2011
1.) Teaching Vacancy – 1 vacancy exists at Holy Redeemer School for a temporary teacher (3 months). For more information Call 227-2122.
2.) Many thanks to those who sent in donations in cash or kind towards the bazaar. We are still accepting donations for the Supper Room, Tombola, Fishpond & other stalls.
3.) Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena begins on Sunday, December 4, 2011. Contact Eleanor Gillett at 601-6667 or Maria Vasquez at 621-9640 for Mass Intentions.
5.) On December 4th Galen University Choir will lead the Mass at 8:30am.
6.) Denis Grady and the Stone Rejected Band will perform a religious concert on Friday December 9th at 7pm, all are invited, and the concert is free!

Sunday collection:    Sunday November 20th, 2011
Saturday 7:00 pm - $549.50          Sunday 6:00 am - $ 293.20     8:30am - $423.45   5:30pm - $220.20     7:00pm - $649.05           Total: $2,135.40
                   It is in giving that we receive…many thanks for your support!!”

There is a Promise of Marriage between Ethan Karsten Gough & Cyndi Wendy Perez.
Mass Intentions
November 27th- December 3rd, 2011
Sun. 6:00am -  In memory of Mrs. Estelle Monsanto   
        7:00pm -  Intentions of Don Ellis IV, Sue Usher, Jane Ellen Usher, Lela Usher,  
                         Rose Musa, Nathan Ellis, Ted Burrows, Prayer Chain & Mr. & Mrs. Glynn Pichon
Mon. 5:30am - In memory of Simeon Pollak, Christine Nigro & George C. Price; National   Catholic Women Union Members (Living & Deceased)        
         5:30pm -  In memory of Mazie Marshalleck, Keith Swift & Lucy Gia Quinto
Tues. 5:30am - In memory of  Henry Charles Usher, Carol Froelich, Joshua Usher,
                         James A. Waight & Leopold Balderamos     
         5:30pm - In memory of John Frascatore, Enrique M. Martinez & Keith Swift
                          Special intention of Kristie Vollentine’s Mother
Wed. 5:30am - In memory of Esther Shamon, Mary Frascatore, Keith Swift & Christine Nigro
          5:30pm - In memory of Eugene Frascatore, Keith Swift & Lucy Gia Quinto
Thurs. 5:30am - In memory of Esther Shamon; Intention of Ted Burrowes; National Catholic Women Union Members (Living & Deceased)  
           5:30pm - In memory of Joshua Usher & Mr. & Mrs. D. Gonzalez
 Fri.    5:30am - In memory of Rose Frascatore, Emma Urbina, Clemente & Pinita Espejo
           5:30pm - In memory of George C. Price, Esther Shamon & Irma Ortega Arguelles
                           Intentions of Maria Jex & William Pou, Jr.
Sat.    6:00am - In memory of Marco A Bedran & William S Price; Special Intention of Kristine                            Vollentine’s Mother  
           7:00pm - In memory of Clemente & Pinita Espejo, Emma Urbina; Intentions of Don Ellis   
                             IV, Sue Usher, Rose Musa, Nathan Ellis, Jane Ellen Usher, Lela Usher, Ted   
                           Burrowes, Prayer Chain & Mr. & Mrs. Glynn Pichon
Sanctuary light burns in memory of Irene & Wahib Habet
Parish bulletin sponsored in memory of Irene & Wahib Habet

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday bulletin

Feast of Christ the King- November 20th, 2011   
1.) There will be a flea market on Sat. Nov. 26, 2011 starting at 6:00 am at Holy Redeemer School.  Kindly donate items to the flea market.
2.). Thanks to those who sent in donations in cash or kind towards the bazaar. We are still accepting donations for the Supper Room, Tombola, Fishpond & other stalls.
3.) Sun. Nov. 27, 2011 is designated as National Day of Prayer to End Violence against Women by the Women’s Department. Churches countrywide are encouraged to observe the day by dedicating services.
4.) Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena begins on Sunday December 4, 2011. Contact Eleanor Gillett at 6016667 or Maria Vasquez at 6219640 for Mass Intentions.
5.) On December 4th Galen University Choir will lead the Mass at 8:30am.
6.) Denis Grady and the Stone Rejected Band will perform a religious concert on Friday December 9th at 7pm, all are invited, and the concert is free!

Sunday collection:    Sunday November 13th, 2011
Saturday 7pm - $1,013.25         Sunday 6:00 am-$385.30       8:30am - $392.28
5:30pm - $388.25       7:00pm - $961.55               Total: $3,140.63
                   It is in giving that we receive…many thanks for your support!!”

Mass Intentions
November 20th- 26th, 2011
Sun. 6:00am -  In memory of Mrs. Estelle Monsanto & Mary & Joseph Atherley 
        7:00pm -  Intentions of Don Ellis IV, Sue Usher, Jane Ellen Usher, Lela Usher,  
                          Rose Musa, Nathan Ellis, Ted Burrows & Prayer Chain;
  Memory of Sarita Castillo & Helen & Hiram Blow
Mon. 5:30am - In memory of Vern Skains, Simeon Pollak; Christine Nigro & George C. Price       5:30pm -  In memory of Mazie Marshalleck, Enrique M. Martinez & Damiana & Marcelino Heredia
Tues. 5:30am - In memory of  Henry Charles Usher, Carol Froelich, Sr. Mary Charles,
   Clement & Christine Negro & Joshua Usher     
         5:30pm - In memory of John Frascatore
                          Special intention of Kristie Vollentine’s Mother
Wed. 5:30am - In memory of Esther Shamon, Mary Frascatore & Demetria Zelaya
         5:30pm - In memory of Eugene Frascatore & Clemente Espejo
Thurs. 5:30am - In memory of  Sr. Frances Marie McGuiness & Esther Shamon; Intention for Ted Burrowes  
           5:30pm - In memory of Joshua Usher; Special intention Kristie Vollentine’s Mother
 Fri. 5:30am - In memory of rose Frascatore; Thanksgiving to the Sacred Heart
        5:30pm - In memory of George C. Price, & Esther Shamon
Sat. 6:00am - In memory of Marco A Bedran & William S Price; Special Intention of Kristine                            Vollentine’s Mother  
7:00pm - In memory of Helen & Hiram Blow & Keith Swift; Intentions of Don Ellis IV,      Sue Usher, Rose Musa, Nathan Ellis, Jane Ellen Usher, Lela Usher, and Mr Ted Burrows.
Sanctuary light burns in memory of Enrique M. Martinez
Parish bulletin sponsored in memory of Enrique M. Martinez