Sunday, June 24, 2012

Solemnity of St. John the Baptist - June 24th, 2012

Effective Monday July 2, 2012:
Daily Mass- morning will be at 6:00 am, Evening remains at 5:30pm
Effective July 8th- Sunday Mass- 7:30am, 5:30pm (Spanish) and 7:00pm 

1.) There will be a Charismatic Mass on Friday June 29th, 2012 at St. Martin de Porres Church starting at 7:00pm. All are invited!
2.) Birthday greetings to Father Oliver Smalls Jr, he will be celebrating his birthday on June 26th, 2012. God continue to bless him!  

Sunday collection: Sunday June 17th, 2012
Saturday 7pm- $214.00    Sunday 6am- $74.50        8:30am- $519.80
5:30pm- $160.95      7:00pm- $876.95            Total: $1846.20
“It is in giving that we receive…many thanks for your support!! 

Marriage banns- there is a promise of marriage between Robert Charles Gonzalez and Leslie Deanna Nisbet.  

Diocesan development Fund collection 2012:
Total collected- $6590.00 Balance- $1410.00 Goal-$8000.00
The following persons have contributed to the diocesan development fund:

In memory of the late Mrs. Rosita Jones nee Mahler, Mr. & Mrs. Avist & Family, in memory of the late Mr. Gerald Roosvelt Phillips, Jr., Donor. Thanks!

Mass intentions:
Sunday - 6am- In memory of Estelle Monsanto; Alberto Assi
              8:30am-Intention of Brandon Bradley, Natahn Ellis, Don Ellis IV, Lela Usher
                           Prayer chain intention M/M Glynn Pichon and family             
Mon. 5:30 am- In memory of Lucy Castillo,Samuel Price
             5:30 pm- In memory of Mazie Marshaleck, Lucy Giaqiunto; thanksgiving to holy archangels
Tues. 5:30 am- In memory of Joshua Usher, Carol Froelich, Marco A Bedran, Eugene Frascatore
             5:30pm- In memory of Gloria Martinez, Eligio Fabro, David Boyd, Jaavier Aleman  
Wed. 5:30 am- Intention of Henry Charles Usher, Christine Nigro, Simeon Pollack
           5:30 pm- In memory of Esther Shamon, Mary Frascatore                  
Thurs. 5:30 am- In memory of John Woods Waight, Eligio A Fabro
         5:30 pm- Intention of David King & family, Jerry Schmidt, Clarence McRae, Glynn Pichon & fam.                     
Fri.  5:30am- Intention of Lois Gentle, Margaret Jefferies,  Kirstie Volentines mother
        5:30 pm- Intention of Vashti Thompson, Lois Gentle; in memory of Javier Aleman  
Sat. 6:00 am-In memory of Joe Downs, George Price, John Albert Smith   
7:00 pm- In memory of Rose Frascatore, Br Steve King
Sanctuary light burns in memory of Edilberto Chen
Parish bulletin sponsored in memory of Edilberto Chen

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time- June 17th, 2012

1.) Blessed and happy Father’s day to all fathers from our parish. God continue to give them strength, courage and faith to lead their families.
2.) There are vacancies for 3 temporary teachers at Holy Redeemer School, deadline for application is June 22, 2012.
3.) There will be a Charismatic Mass on Friday June 29th, 2012 at St. Martin de Porres Church starting at 7:00pm. 

Sunday collection: Sunday June 10th, 2012
Saturday 7pm- $533.25    Sunday 6am- $129.38        8:30am- $409.88
5:30pm- $      7:00pm- $            3:00pm- $168.28     Total: $1240.79
“It is in giving that we receive…many thanks for your support!! 

Diocesan development Fund collection 2012:
Total collected- $6590.00 Balance- $1410.00 Goal-$8000.00
The following persons have contributed to the diocesan development fund:
Mr. & Mrs. Jan Christiansen & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Bent Christiansen & Family, Sr. y Sra. Cornelio Pacheco y Familia...thanks!

Mass intentions: June 17th to 23rd, 2012

Sunday - 6am- In memory of Estelle Monsanto; Clara Schmidt
              8:30am-Intention of Brandon Bradley, Natahn Ellis, Don Ellis IV, Lela Usher
                           Prayer chain intention M/M Glynn Pichon and family
              7:00pm- in memory of Santiago Castillo Sr
Mon. 5:30 am- In memory of Lucy Castillo, Santiago Castillo Sr; Samuel Price
             5:30 pm- In memory of Mazie Marshaleck, Lucy Giaqiunto; thanksgiving to Sacred Heart
Tues. 5:30 am- In memory of Joshua Usher, Carol Froelich, Marco A Bedran
             5:30pm- In memory of David Boyd, Eugene Frascatore, Beatrice Munoz   
Wed. 5:30 am- Intention of Henry Charles Usher, Christine Nigro, Simeon Pollack
           5:30 pm- In memory of Enrique Martinez, Esther Shamon, Mary Frascatore                  
Thurs. 5:30 am- In memory of John Woods Waight, Ben Bou Nahra, Eligio A Fabro
         5:30 pm- Intention of David King & family, Jerry Schmidt, Clarence McRae, Glynn Pichon & fam.                     
Fri.  5:30am- Intention of Lois Gentle, Margaret Jefferies
        5:30 pm- Intention of Lois Gentle, Kirstie Volentines mother  
Sat. 6:00 am-In memory of Joe Downs, George Price, John Albert Smith
       7:00 pm- In memory of Rose Frascatore, Br Steve King
Sanctuary light burns in thanksgiving
Parish bulletin sponsored in thanksgiving

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Jesus- June 10th, 2012

1.) All are invited to the Corpus Christi procession this Sunday June 10th starting with Holy Mass at 3:00pm. Our country need God, let us take the Blessed Sacrament through the streets of our city and pray for peace, love and faith for our people and land.
Notice: we will not have 5:30pm Spanish and 7:00pm Mass this Sunday June 10th, 2012.  
2.) Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is taking place every evening after 5:30pm Mass, you can sign up for an intention with Eleanor Gillett or call the parish office.
Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus will be on Friday June 15, 2012.  

Sunday collection: Sunday June 3rd, 2012
Saturday 7pm- $248.65    Sunday 6am- $212.00       8:30am- $697.45
5:30pm- $168.11       7:00pm- $307.15       Total: $1633.36
“It is in giving that we receive…many thanks for your support!! 

Diocesan development Fund collection 2012:
Total collected- $5190.00 Balance- $2891.00 Goal-$8000.00
The following persons have contributed towards the DDF:
Std. 3 Hodapp, 3 Hickey, 3 Martin, 3 Wright, 3 Leslie, Std. 2 Hodapp, 2 Hickey, 2 Martin, 2 Wright, Std. I Hodapp, 1 Hickey, 1 Martin, 1 Wright, Mr. & Mrs. William John White & Family, in loving memory of the late Mrs. Helen White, Mrs. Ivette Bou-Nahra, in loving memory of the late Mr. Ben Bou-Nahra, Mirab Ltd...Thanks!

Mass intentions:
Sunday - 6am- In memory of Angelita Herbet and Estelle Monsanto
              8:30am-In memory of Thelma and Owen Williams
                           Prayer chain intention M/M Glynn Pichon and family             
Mon. 5:30 am- In memory of Joseph A Decker, Lucy Castillo, Samuel Price; intention of Curtis Musa
             5:30 pm- In memory of Mazie Marshaleck, Lucy Giaqiunto; Lupita A Fabro; Eligio Fabro
Tues. 5:30 am- In memory of Joshua Usher, Carol Froelich, Joseph A Decker
             5:30pm- In memory of David Boyd, Eugene Frascatore; intention of Glynn Pichon & family 
Wed. 5:30 am- In memory of Henry Charles Usher, Christine Nigro, Joseph A Decker; Trinidad Smith
           5:30 pm- Intention of David King & family, Jerry Schmidt, Clarence McRae;
                           Intention to St. Anthony                 
Thurs. 5:30 am- Intention of Lois Gentle, Margaret Jefferies, in memory of Joseph A Decker
5:30 pm- Intention of Kaden Thompson, Louis Gentle, Kristie Volentine’s mother                     
Fri.  5:30 am- In memory of Joe Downs, George Price, John Albert Smith, Joseph A Decker
        5:30 pm- In memory of Esther Shamon, Mary Frascatore, thanksgiving to Sacred Heart of Jesus 
Sat. 6:00 am-In memory fo Marco A Bedran, Simeon Pollack, Clara Schmidt, Joseph A Decker
           7:00 pm- In memory of John Frascatore, Bro Steve King

Sanctuary light burns in memory of Lupita A. Fabro
Parish bulletin sponsored in memory of Lupita A. Fabro