Saturday, May 19, 2012

Solemnity of the Ascension of Our Lord, May 20th, 2012



1.) There will NOT be evening Mass 7:00pm on Sunday May 20th due to the Annual Guadalupe procession, which begins 6:00pm infront of the Cathedral. Spanish Mass will be at 5:00 pm. Parishioners are cordially invited to participate in the procession.
2.)  Morning Mass on Monday May 21st will be at 530am, there will not be an evening Mass.
3.) Please join the newly ordained priest Father Rene Constanza from the Paulist priests and brothers, as he celebrates a first Mass at Holy Redeemer Cathedral on Sunday June 3rd at 8:30am.

Sunday collection: Sunday May 13th, 2012
Saturday 7pm- $342.75    Sunday 6am- $217.05        8:30am- $1083.46
5:30pm- $297.58       7:00pm- $463.30       Total: $2404.14
“It is in giving that we receive…many thanks for your support!! 

Diocesan development Fund collection 2012:
Total collected- $5390.00 Balance- $2610.00 Goal-$8000.00

Mass intentions:
Sunday - 6am- In memory of Estelle Monsanto; Bernabe Mendez
              8:30am-Intention of Nathan Ellis, Don Ellis IV, Lela Usher,
                           Prayer chain intention M/M Glynn Pichon and family
              5:00pm- in memory of Rudolph Castillo Sr
Mon. 5:30 am- In memory of Ben Bou Nahra, Samuel Price, Eugene Frascatore 
                In memory of Mazie Marshaleck, Lucy Giaqiunto; Lucy Castillo
Tues. 5:30 am- In memory of Louise Smith, Eligio Fabro, Henry Charles Usher, Carol Froelich
             5:30pm- In memory of Karen Leacock, David Boyd, intention of Mireya Montoya Lumpkin  
Wed. 5:30 am- Intention of Joshua Usher, Christine Nigro; intention of Jerry Schmidt, Clarence Mcrae
           5:30 pm- Intention of Lois Gentle, David King & family, Ramiro & Janice Montoya,                  
Thurs. 5:30 am- Intention of Lois Gentle, Margaret Jeffery, Glynn Pichon & family
5:30 pm- Intention of Kristie Volentine’s mother, Ramiro & Janice Montoya                      
Fri.  5:30am- In memory of Joe Downs, George Price, John Albert Smith
        5:30 pm- In memory of Pablo Espat, Esther Shamon, Mary Frascatore 
Sat. 6:00 am-Intention of Marco A Bedran, Simeon Pollack, Clara Schmidt                      
        7:00 pm- In memory of Maria Heusner, Edilberto Chen, Rose Frascatore, Br Steve King
Sanctuary light burns in memory of Enrique Martinez
Parish bulletin sponsored in memory of Enrique Martinez

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sixth Sunday of Easter, May 13th, 2012


1.) There will be no evening Mass 7:00pm on Sunday May 20th due to the Annual Guadalupe procession at 6:00pm. Spanish Mass will be at 5:00 pm. Parishioners are invited to attend the procession.
2.) Happy and blessed Mother’s day to all our beloved mothers, and to those mothers who have gone before us in faith, may they share God’s eternal happiness.
3.) Thank you to Ms. Gillett, Ethan Singh, and Bryce Young for playing meditation for mother’s day.
4.) Cathedral windows are projected to be installed and completed for July 2012.
5.) All are invited to the National Hispanic Catholic Charismatic Convention on Sunday May 20th, 2012 at the parish hall starting at 8:00 am. Come be part of the praise & worship, talks and fellowship in the joy of Christ’s ascension into heaven.  

Sunday collection: Sunday May 6th, 2012
Saturday 7pm- $326.10    Sunday 6am- $219.75        8:30am- $805.45
5:30pm- $330.00       7:00pm- $4825.05       Total: $2506.35
“It is in giving that we receive…many thanks for your support!! 

Diocesan development Fund collection 2012:
Total collected- $5190.00 Balance- $2891.00 Goal-$8000.00
The following persons have contributed towards the Diocesan Development Fund 2012:
In memory of the late Eligio A. Fabro, Mr. & Mrs. Richards Hendricks & Family, Donors (3), Joel Cervantes, Jr., Ermenalda Moralez & Family, Lourdes Manzanero, Santos, Reina Saravia, Leodan Saravia, Alfonso Escalante & Family, Juan Lemus, Maria Elena Grijalba..Thank You!

Mass intentions:
Sunday - 6am- In memory of Estelle Monsanto; Miguel Uk
              8:30am-In memory of Manuel Uk Loza; Elena Wong;
                           Prayer chain intention M/M Glynn Pichon and family
              7:00pm- in memory of Thelma Williams
Mon. 5:30 am- In memory of Christine Nigro, Simeon Pollack, Joshua Usher, Carol Froehlich
             5:30 pm- In memory of Mazie Marshaleck, Lucy Giaqiunto; Louise Smith; thanksgiving
Tues. 5:30 am- In memory of Joe Downs; George Price
             5:30pm- Intention of David King & family; Jerry Schmidt; Clarence McRae; Glynn Pichon & fam  
Wed. 5:30 am- Intention of Louise Gentle
           5:30 pm- In memory of Frank Garbutt Sr; David Boyd; Eugene Frascatore                  
Thurs. 5:30 am- In memory of Marc A Bedran, Clara Schmidt, Henry Charles Usher
5:30 pm- Intention of Louis Gentle, Kristie Volentine’s mother                      
Fri.  5:30am- In memory of Santiago Castillo Sr; John C Price; Eligio A Fabro; Lucy Castillo, Rosalia Pau
        5:30 pm- In memory of Esther Shamon, Mary Frascatore, Rose Frascatore, Samuel Price,  
Sat. 6:00 am-Intention of John Albert Smith; Margaret Jefferies
     7:00 pm- In memory of Edilberto Chen, John Frascatore, Br Steve King

 Sanctuary light burns in memory of Thelma Williams
Parish bulletin sponsored in memory of Thelma Williams

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Fifth Sunday of Easter, May 6th, 2012


1.) Many thanks to all the persons who attended the Episcopal ordination of Bishop Christopher Glancy CSV, thanks to the persons who assisted in the planning, contributed towards the ordination ceremony or helped in one way or another! God bless always!
2.) There will be no evening Mass 7:00pm on Sunday May 20th due to the Annual Guadalupe procession at 6:00pm. Spanish Mass will be at 5:00 pm.
3.) We are thankful to Notre Dame Preparatory and Marist Academy for generously making a donation to Holy Redeemer School.
4.) This is the month of the Blessed Virgin Mary, please pray the rosary as a family and offer intentions for an increase in Catholic vocations.

Sunday collection: Sunday April 29th, 2012
Saturday 7pm- $679.50    Sunday 6am- $224.23        8:30am- $204.15
5:30pm- $267.59       7:00pm- $426.25        Total: $1801.72
“It is in giving that we receive…many thanks for your support!! 

Diocesan development Fund collection 2012:
Total collected- $3904.00 Balance- $4196.00 Goal-$8000.00
The following persons have contributed towards the Diocesan Development Fund 2012:
Mrs. Linda Alpuche, Mrs. Aurora Ford, Ms. Maria Auild, Ms. Margarita Martinez, Mrs. Beryl Godoy, Carmen B., Concepcion Mejia, Teresa Rodriguez, La Familia Saravia, Joel Cervantes, Silvia Maribel, Eulalin Moguel, in loving memory of the late Mr. Lorenzo Sanchez, Donor, Mr. Adel Novelo. Thank You!

Mass intentions:
Sunday - 6am- In memory of Estelle Monsanto; Lucia Castillo
              8:30am- special intention of Lela Usher, Nathan Ellis, Don Ellis IV; in memory of Sr. Maria Pablo RSM
                           Prayer chain intention M/M Glynn Pichon and family
                       Special intention Sheely Williams Fuller, Pinks Guy
Mon. 5:30 am- In memory of Christine Nigro, Simeon Pollack, Joshua Usher, Carol Froehlich
             5:30 pm- In memory of Mazie Marshaleck, Lucy Giaqiunto 
Tues. 5:30 am- Intention of Louise Gentle, in memory of Joe Downs; George Price
             5:30pm- Intention of David King & family; Jerry Schmidt; Clarence McRae; Glynn Pichon & fam 
Wed. 5:30 am- In memory of Marco A Bedran; Clara Schmidt ; Henryc Charles Usher
           5:30 pm- In memory of Frank Garbutt Sr; David Boyd; Eugene Frascatore; Lucy Giaquinto                 
Thurs. 5:30 am- In memory of Pinita Espejo; Emma Urbina; Teodora Duran Villas; Marcela Dolores Villas
5:30 pm- In memory of John Frascatore; Br Steve King                      
Fri.  5:30 am- Intention of John Albert Smith; Margeret Jefferies  
        5:30 pm- Intention for Christie Vollentine’s mother 
Sat. 6:00 am-In memory of Esther Shamon; Mary & Rose Frascatore; Samuel Price                    
        7:00 pm- In memory of Edilberto Chen
Sanctuary light burns in memory of deceased members of Elias Marin & family
Parish bulletin sponsored in memory of deceased members of Elias Marin & family