Monday, May 30, 2011

Sunday bulletin

Sunday bulletin- May 29th, 2011- Sixth Sunday of Easter

Marriage banns- there is a promise of marriage between:
Raul Antonio Cardona and Bianca Monique Reyes, of Ladyville
Alberto Antonio Aguilar and Isela Maria Duran, booth of Belize City

Sunday collection:    Sunday May 22nd, 2011
Saturday 7pm- $2237.40         Sunday 6am- $300.90      8:30am- $357.60
5:30pm- $335.20      7:00pm- $761.50             Total: $3992.60
It is in giving that we receive…many thanks for your support!!
Many thanks to the following persons for contributing to the Diocesan Development Fund 2011:
Ms. Katherine Price; the Rt. Hon. Emeritus George Price; Ms. Sheila M. Ambrosino; Enrique Martinez & Sons Ltd; Mr. & Mrs. B. Domingo; Mrs. Anita Palma; Mrs. Louise Hoy; Mr. & Mrs. Richard Coye; Mr. & Mrs. Jose & Anne Hoare; Mr. & Mrs. Pat Andrews & family; in memory of Antonia Andrews. Mr. Ernesto Torres; Mr. & Mrs. Edward and  Rose Musa and family; Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Coye and family; Mr. & Mrs. Jorge McField; Ms. Aethea Sealy; Ms. Louise Maldonado; Mrs. Marie Gardener; Mr. & Mrs. Fernando and Maria Coye; Mr. & Mrs. B. Dominguez; Ms. Dolores Gray; Mr. Donahue Young; A. Flores; Christine Vellos; Linda Alpuche; Aurora Ford; Maria Auild; Margarita Martinez; Beryl Godoy; Evlin Sanchez; Carmen B.; Concepcion Mejia; Teresa Rodriguez; La familia Saravia; Dr. Joel Cervantes; Silvia Maribel; Esmeralda Moralez y familia; Lourdes Manzanero; Santos; Reina Saravia; Leodan Saravia; Alfonso Escalante y familia; Mr. & Mrs. Luis Alpuche; Juan Lemus; Mraia Elena Grijalda; mrs. Mary Yorke J.P.; Laura Alvarado; Alejandra Enamorado; Maria Zabaneh , Eleanor Gillett;Mr. & Mrs. Ruben Rodriguez and family, familia Herrera, Bryan Cerardo Martinez, Mrs. Frances Mezza, Mr. & Mrs. John Esnard, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Ellis Jr and family, Mr. Donald R. Ellis IV, Mr. & mrs. John Shelburne, Mr. Alfonso Frascatore, Ms Leona Frascatore, Michi Frascatore, Fr. John Cayer, Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church (USA), Alice Ducote, Mr. & Mrs. Prakash Rajput & family; Jose Ortez y familia; Holy Name Society of the Church of the Holy Spirit; Attorney Richard H. Gleenberg; in memory of James Geraghty; Rev. Thomas Marrette; Bernard L. Dowd; Mr. Mrs. James J. Ambrosino; Mr. & Mr.s William Smirtic; Mr. James P. Froehlich; Ms. Joan Froehlich; in memory of Carol Froehlich, Ms. Viola L. Willis; Mr. Jesus Aguilar; Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Thompson & family; Mr. & Mrs. Juan & Wanda Valdez & family; In memory of Mrs. Estelle Violet Monsanto; Master Don Ellis IV; Mr. & Mrs. Keith J. Silvestre & family; in memory of Mr. Corey Silvestri; Ms. Laurelee R. Toscano; Attorney and Mrs. Jay Robeson & family; Ms. Ann Kumpan; Mr. & Mrs. Donald Fleischut; Holy Family Social committee; Dr. & Mrs. L. Paul Balderamos & family; Ms. Anette Monrow and 18 donors…
Goal- $8,000.00   total collected- $5630.00     balance- $2370.00
Mass Intentions
May 30- June 4, 2011
Mon. 5:30 am- In memory of James A Waight; Estelle Monsanto; Meta Noel,
                        In memory of Lucy Giaquinto; Michael Usher
          Intention to Blessed Trinity; intention of Sue Usher  
Tues. In memory of Sr. Mary William Hewson, msc; Henry Charles Usher
In memory of Mary Frascatore; intention to Blessed Trinity; Don Ellis IV
Wed. In memory of Peggie Stakelum; Daniels, Marco A. Bedran; Mary Frascatore
          In memory of Mr. & Mrs D. Gonzalez; Mazie Marshaleeck;
                                  Special intention of thanksgiving

Thurs. Thanksgiving to Senor de Esquipulas; thanksgiving to Sacred Heart
            In memory of Rose Frascatore; intention of Don Ellis IV; Blessed Trinity      
Fri.  In memory of Catherine Fasier; Samuel William Price
         Intention to Blessed Trinity; Don Ellis IV; in memory of Eugene Frascatore
Sat. In memory of Mary Severcoo and Joshua Usher
        In memory of Raymond Lebouf; Esther Shamon
Sanctuary light burns for the intentions of Mr. & Mrs. B. Thompson
Parish bulletin sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Thompson

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday bulletin

Parish bulletin for Sunday May 15th 2011

1.) Sunday May 15th at will be the Annual Guadalupe procession, starts infront of Holy Redeemer Cathedral to St. Joseph parish.
2.) Congratulations to the students of Belize Elementary who received Jesus in the Eucharist for the very first time.
3.) Notice to Eucharistic ministers- retreat originally scheduled for May 28th & 29th has been postponed until further notice.

Marriage banns- there is a promise of marriage between:
Raul Antonio Cardona & Bianca Monique Reyes
Khoa Tran and Marian Quan

Sunday collection:    Sunday May 8th, 2011
Saturday 7pm- $275.70          Sunday 6am- $754,04      8:30am- $1305.60
5:30pm- $340.15       7:00pm- $619.60              Total: $3295.09
It is in giving that we receive…many thanks for your support!!
Many thanks to the following persons for contributing to the Diocesan Development Fund 2011:
Ms. Katherine Price; the Rt. Hon. Emeritus George Price; Ms. Sheila M. Ambrosino; Enrique Martinez & Sons Ltd; Mr. & Mrs. B. Domingo; Mrs. Anita Palma; Mrs. Louise Hoy; Mr. & Mrs. Richard Coye; Mr. & Mrs. Jose & Anne Hoare; Mr. & Mrs. Pat Andrews & family; in memory of Antonia Andrews. Mr. Ernesto Torres; Mr. & Mrs. Edward and  Rose Musa and family; Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Coye and family; Mr. & Mrs. Jorge McField; Ms. Aethea Sealy; Ms. Louise Maldonado; Mrs. Marie Gardener; Mr. & Mrs. Fernando and Maria Coye; Mr. & Mrs. B. Dominguez; Ms. Dolores Gray; Mr. Donahue Young; A. Flores; Christine Vellos; Linda Alpuche; Aurora Ford; Maria Auild; Margarita Martinez; Beryl Godoy; Evlin Sanchez; Carmen B.; Concepcion Mejia; Teresa Rodriguez; La familia Saravia; Dr. Joel Cervantes; Silvia Maribel; Esmeralda Moralez y familia; Lourdes Manzanero; Santos; Reina Saravia; Leodan Saravia; Alfonso Escalante y familia; Mr. & Mrs. Luis Alpuche; Juan Lemus; Mraia Elena Grijalda; mrs. Mary Yorke J.P.; Laura Alvarado; Alejandra Enamorado; Maria Zabaneh , Eleanor Gillett;Mr. & Mrs. Ruben Rodriguez and family, familia Herrera, Bryan Cerardo Martinez, Mrs. Frances Mezza, Mr. & Mrs. John Esnard, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Ellis Jr and family, Mr. Donald R. Ellis IV, Mr. & mrs. John Shelburne, Mr. Alfonso Frascatore, Ms Leona Frascatore, Michi Frascatore, Fr. John Cayer, Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church (USA), Alice Ducote, Mr. & Mrs. Prakash Rajput & family; Jose Ortez y familia; Holy Name Society of the Church of the Holy Spirit; Attorney Richard H. Gleenberg; in memory of James Geraghty; Rev. Thomas Marrette; Bernard L. Dowd; Mr. Mrs. James J. Ambrosino; Mr. & Mr.s William Smirtic; Mr. James P. Froehlich; Ms. Joan Froehlich; in memory of Carol Froehlich, and 16 donors…
Goal- $8,000.00   total collected- $5230.00     balance- $2770.00
Article: The Priesthood is a Masterpiece of Christ's Divine Love, Wisdom and Power...
Criticism of Priests - Our Lord’s revelations to Mutter Vogel
“One should NEVER attack a priest, even when he’s in error. Rather, one should pray and do penance that I’ll grant him My grace again. He alone fully represents Me, even when he doesn’t live after My example!” (page29, Mutter Vogel’s Worldwide Love, June 29, 1929).
“When a priest falls, we should extend him a helping hand THROUGH PRAYER AND NOT THROUGH ATTACKS! I Myself will be his judge, NO ONE BUT I! Whoever voices judgment over a priest has voiced it over Me; my child, never let a priest be attacked; take up his defense.” (Feast of Christ the King, 1939). “Child, never judge your confessor; rather, pray much for him and offer every Thursday, through the hands of My blessed Mother, Holy Communion (for him)” (June 6, 1939). “Never again accept an out-of-the-way word about a priest, and speak no unkind word (about them) EVEN IF IT WERE TRUE! Every priest is My Vicar and My Heart will be sickened and insulted because of it! If you hear a judgment (against a priest) pray a Hail Mary.” (June 28, 1939). “If you see a priest who celebrates the Holy Mass unworthily, then say nothing about him; rather, tell it to Me alone! I stand beside him on the altar! Oh pray much for my priests; that they’ll love purity above all; that they’ll celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with pure hands and heart. Certainly, the Holy Sacrifice is one and the same even when it’s celebrated by an unworthy priest, but the grace called down upon the people is not the same!” (Feb. 28, 1938).
"One ought to pray earnestly, especially at the Ember Seasons, that God will give us good priests.  If they are saints, what good they are able to do! But, whatever they are, never speak against them." St. John Marie Vianney
Mass Intentions
May 16-21, 2011
Mon. In memory of Henry Cahrles Usher; intention of Sue Usher
          Thanksgiving to St. Jude; intention of Sue Usher
Tues. Intention of Monica Musa; Don Ellis IV
In memory of Mike Usher; Mazie Marshalleck
Wed. In memory of Santiago Castillo Sr; John C. Price
          In memory of Joshua Usher; Esther Shamon

Thurs. In memory of Goyita Escalante; Marco Bedran
            In memory of Rudolph Castillo Sr; Lucy Giaquinto        
Fri.  Intention of Don Ellis IV; intention to Sacred Heart of Jesus
         In memory of Enrique M. Martinez; Mary Frascatore
Sat. In memory of Samuel W. Price; Eugene Frascatore
        In memory of John Henry Blanco; Rose Frascatore; Caroline Burns
Sanctuary light burns for the intention of Rose Musa & family
Parish bulletin sponsored by Rose Musa & family

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sunday bulletin

Third Sunday of Easter – May 8th 2011   

1.) Annual Guadalupe procession will be held on Sunday May 15th the procession will begin at in front of Holy Redeemer Cathedral. 
2.) There will be no Mass on Sunday May 15th due to the Guadalupe procession. The Spanish Mass on May 15th will begin at Please take note.
3.) All are invited to St. John Vianney fair to held on Saturday May 14th at the school grounds.
4.) Notice to Eucharistic ministers- retreat originally scheduled for May 28th & 29th has been postponed until further notice.
5.) Many thanks to Shamir and Michel Chebat for donating flowers. We are still in need of kind persons to donate flowers for the cathedral. Please call parish office to donate.

Sunday collection:    Sunday May 1st, 2011
Saturday 7pm- $183.00          Sunday 6am- $245.05      8:30am- $550.25
5:30pm- $360.65       7:00pm- $853.25              Total: $2192.20
It is in giving that we receive…many thanks for your support!!
Many thanks to the following persons for contributing to the Diocesan Development Fund 2011:
Ms. Katherine Price; the Rt. Hon. Emeritus George Price; Ms. Sheila M. Ambrosino; Enrique Martinez & Sons Ltd; Mr. & Mrs. B. Domingo; Mrs. Anita Palma; Mrs. Louise Hoy; Mr. & Mrs. Richard Coye; Mr. & Mrs. Jose & Anne Hoare; Mr. & Mrs. Pat Andrews & family; in memory of Antonia Andrews. Mr. Ernesto Torres; Mr. & Mrs. Edward and  Rose Musa and family; Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Coye and family; Mr. & Mrs. Jorge McField; Ms. Aethea Sealy; Ms. Louise Maldonado; Mrs. Marie Gardener; Mr. & Mrs. Fernando and Maria Coye; Mr. & Mrs. B. Dominguez; Ms. Dolores Gray; Mr. Donahue Young; A. Flores; Christine Vellos; Linda Alpuche; Aurora Ford; Maria Auild; Margarita Martinez; Beryl Godoy; Evlin Sanchez; Carmen B.; Concepcion Mejia; Teresa Rodriguez; La familia Saravia; Dr. Joel Cervantes; Silvia Maribel; Esmeralda Moralez y familia; Lourdes Manzanero; Santos; Reina Saravia; Leodan Saravia; Alfonso Escalante y familia; Mr. & Mrs. Luis Alpuche; Juan Lemus; Mraia Elena Grijalda; mrs. Mary Yorke J.P.; Laura Alvarado; Alejandra Enamorado; Maria Zabaneh , Eleanor Gillett;Mr. & Mrs. Ruben Rodriguez and family, familia Herrera, Bryan Cerardo Martinez, Mrs. Frances Mezza, Mr. & Mrs. John Esnard, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Ellis Jr and family, Mr. Donald R. Ellis IV, Mr. & mrs. John Shelburne, Mr. Alfonso Frascatore, Ms Leona Frascatore, Michi Frascatore, Fr. John Cayer, Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church (USA), Alice Ducote, Mr. & Mrs. Prakash Rajput & family; Jose Ortez y familia; Holy Name Society of the Church of the Holy Spirit; Attorney Richard H. Gleenberg; in memory of James Geraghty; Rev. Thomas Marrette; Bernard L. Dowd; Mr. Mrs. James J. Ambrosino; Mr. & Mr.s William Smirtic; Mr. James P. Froehlich; Ms. Joan Froehlich; in memory of Carol Froehlich, and 16 donors…
Goal- $8,000.00   total collected- $5230.00     balance- $2770.00
Mass Intentions
May 9-14, 2011
Mon. In memory of Henry Charles Usher; intention of Don Ellis IV
          In memory of Rose Frascatore
Tues. In memory of Michael Usher; intention to St. Michael archangel
In memory of Pinita Espejo & Emma Urbina
Wed. In memory of Joshua Usher
          In memory of Mary Frascatore

Thurs. Thanksgiving to Sacred Heart of Jesus; intention of Don Ellis IV
            In memory of Esther Shamon                
Fri.  In memory of Samuel W. Price;
         In memory of Lucy Giaquinto; intention to Sacred Heart of Jesus           
Sat. In memory of Mazie Marshaleek
        Intention of Don Ellis IV
Sanctuary light burns in memory of Ralph Fonseca Jr.
Parish bulletin sponsored in memory of Ralph Ronseca Jr.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Parish bulletin announcements

Second Sunday of Easter- May 1st 2011 - Divine Mercy Sunday

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!!!
A Blessed, happy and safe Easter to all our parishioners,
from Fr. Oliver J. Smalls Jr. and Fr. Jordan E. Gongora

1.) There will be no evening Mass on Monday May 2 at .
2.) Many thanks to Rose Musa, Daphne Mena, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Coye, Mrs. Norma Francis and Wanda Valdez for donating flowers for this Sunday.
3.) All are invited to St. John Vianney fair to held on Saturday May 14th at the school grounds.
4.) Notice to Eucharistic ministers- retreat for May 28 & 29 has been postponed until further notice.
5.) We need kind donors for flowers for the cathedral. Please call parish office to donate.

Sunday collection:    Sunday April 24th, 2011
Saturday 7pm- $331.47          Sunday 6am- $387.00      8:30am- $323.55
5:30pm- $389.90       7:00pm- $              Total: $1431.92
It is in giving that we receive…many thanks for your support!!

Many thanks to the following persons for contributing to the Diocesan Development Fund 2011:
Ms. Katherine Price; the Rt. Hon. Emeritus George Price; Ms. Sheila M. Ambrosino; Enrique Martinez & Sons Ltd; Mr. & Mrs. B. Domingo; Mrs. Anita Palma; Mrs. Louise Hoy; Mr. & Mrs. Richard Coye; Mr. & Mrs. Jose & Anne Hoare; Mr. & Mrs. Pat Andrews & family; in memory of Antonia Andrews. Mr. Ernesto Torres; Mr. & Mrs. Edward and  Rose Musa and family; Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Coye and family; Mr. & Mrs. Jorge McField; Ms. Aethea Sealy; Ms. Louise Maldonado; Mrs. Marie Gardener; Mr. & Mrs. Fernando and Maria Coye; Mr. & Mrs. B. Dominguez; Ms. Dolores Gray; Mr. Donahue Young; A. Flores; Christine Vellos; Linda Alpuche; Aurora Ford; Maria Auild; Margarita Martinez; Beryl Godoy; Evlin Sanchez; Carmen B.; Concepcion Mejia; Teresa Rodriguez; La familia Saravia; Dr. Joel Cervantes; Silvia Maribel; Esmeralda Moralez y familia; Lourdes Manzanero; Santos; Reina Saravia; Leodan Saravia; Alfonso Escalante y familia; Mr. & Mrs. Luis Alpuche; Juan Lemus; Mraia Elena Grijalda; mrs. Mary Yorke J.P.; Laura Alvarado; Alejandra Enamorado; Maria Zabaneh , Eleanor Gillett;Mr. & Mrs. Ruben Rodriguez and family, familia Herrera, Bryan Cerardo Martinez, Mrs. Frances Mezza, Mr. & Mrs. John Esnard, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Ellis Jr and family, Mr. Donald R. Ellis IV, Mr. & mrs. John Shelburne, Mr. Alfonso Frascatore, Ms Leona Frascatore, Michi Frascatore, Fr. John Cayer, Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church (USA), Alice Ducote, and 16 donors…
Mass Intentions
May 2-7, 2011
Mon. In memory of Samuel William Price
Tues. In memory of Henry Charles Usher
In memory of Rose Frascatore
Wed. In memory of Michael Usher
          In memory of Pedro Espat; Mary Frascatore  

Thurs. In memory of Joshua Usher
            In memory of Esther Shamon                            
Fri.  In memory of Mazie Marshalleck;
         In memory of Lucy Giaquinto, intention of Don Ellis IV                          
Sat. intention of Don Ellis IV 
        In memory of Mr & mrs D. Gonzalez; Thelma Williams
Sanctuary light burns for the intention of Alvarado family
Parish bulletin sponsored by the Alvarado family
Blessed John Paul II