Sunday, March 27, 2011

Parish bulletin

* Apologies for missing the post from the previous Sundays!

Parish bulletin announcements for Sunday March 27th, 2011- 3rd Sunday in Lent

Every Friday in Lent we will pray the Way of the Cross immediately following the Mass inside the Cathedral.
Anointing of the Sick Mass, Sunday March 27th, at 3:00pm, bring your sick relatives or neighbors to this healing service.

1.) Friday April 1st, we will have a special Lenten holy hour with meditations on the passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ.  
2.) On Sunday April 3rd, Std V students from Holy Redeemer School will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation at 10:00 am Mass. Let us pray for them.   
3.)  Tuesday April 12, Lenten Penance service following evening Mass at .
4.) Confessions are available every Friday in Lent starting at ; also on Sundays of Lent at for our Spanish speaking parishioners.  
5.) First Holy Communion and Confirmation classes for those children who attend non-Catholic primary school is being offered every Saturday in the meeting room behind the cathedral.

Marriage banns: There is a promise of marriage between:
Conway Simeon Bahadur and Celeste Roxanna Kumul, both of Ladyville
Alexander Giovani Fuentes and Janelle Alicia Reyes, both of Burrel Boom

Sunday collection:    Sunday March 20th, 2011
Saturday 7pm- $265.00          Sunday 6am- $210.00       8:30am- $952.56
5:30pm- $387.92        7:00pm- $800.00              Total: $2615.48
Mass Intentions
March 28- April 2, 2011
Mon. Thanksgiving to St. Jude; intention of Eugene & Mary Frascatre
                          In memory of Michael Usher
          In memory of Enrique M Martinez; intention of Sherlette & Kenneth Gale

Tues. In memory of Edward W. Criag; intention of  Rose Frascatre
                         In memory of Henry Charles Usher
Thanksgiving for Julia & Louis Flores; for Joshua Usher
Wed. In memory of James A. Waight; intention of Lucy Giaquinto  
                         In memory of Michael Usher
          In memory of Sr. Mary Bruno, msc; intention of Derrick Mena

Thurs. In memory of Sr. Vivian Teherlegand
                           In memory of Henry Charles Usher
  In memory of Francisco Cano Sr; thanksgiving to guardian angels
Fri.  For healing of Reshida Malic; in memory of Allan Heredia Sr.  
                       For Joshua Usher   
        In memory of Mr. & Mrs D. Gonzalez; int. to Sacred Heart of Jesus

Sat. For all souls in purgatory; thanksgiving to Blessed Virgin Mary   
            In memory of Carlos Espat
Sanctuary light burns for the intention of: Mr. & Mrs. B. Thompson
Parish bulletin sponsored by: Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Thompson